Are You … Yes, YOU … “Highly Educated” Enough To Vote For Hussein?

May 23rd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.



About Those “Highly Educated” Voters

Have a few minutes to spare? Go to “Google,” type in the phrase “highly educated voters,” hit “Search News.” Go ahead. We’ll wait . . . OK, what do you get? All sorts of stories about Obama voters, and how he attracts the “highly educated.” You will get the same from the pundits on network and cable news: lots of blather about how Obama appeals to “highly educated” Americans.

That, of course, is just more MSM “spin doctor” nonsense and we conservatives let them get away with it. We heard the same song when John “Xmas in Cambodia” Kerry ran for President, to wit, the “highly educated” went for Kerry the ignorant ones went for Bush. Every time you hear that phrase, “highly educated” substitute the phrase “attended a lame liberal college or university.” That’s what we are really talking about. Given the state of higher education in the world, including in our own beloved Republic, spending four years in a typical “liberal arts” institution generally qualifies you for . . . uh . . . well, not much, except, of course, to boast that you are “highly educated.” And that just don’t mean a whole hill of beans today. Let me explain.

A few years ago, more than I care to mention, I headed a large office at the State Department. I got tasked with hiring a couple of Presidential Management Interns (PMIs). These PMIs come from the elite of the elite student body at the elite of the elite universities. They get hired on a temporary basis and then, usually, get offered prestigious jobs in the government. I was told, in no uncertain terms, that whatever else I did, I had to hire women. So I began to pore over the resumes. My heart sank. I felt inadequate and so, so inferior to these kids. Their resumes, impeccably printed and organized, using dozens of words ending in “-ization,” and listing prowess with a dazzling array of complex software programs, described accomplishments beyond my wildest dreams — especially for when I was the applicants’ age!

I thought I should resign and give up my job to one of the “brilliant” child wonders. Ah, naive me. I obviously had spent too much time overseas. I saw resumes as truthful documents actually written by the applicants, applicants, in this case, full of accomplishments and possessed of massive brains throbbing with energy and ideas. As I, however, kept reading, even slow-witted me began to notice oddities. They all began to look the same: the font, the format, the wording, the list of classes and even — horrors! — the “accomplishments.” I noted this in passing to a cynical old friend (now, alas, departed) who worked in “human resources” (what a great phrase that). He laughed, “You dope! They get classes on how to write resumes! They have professors and computer programs that put these things together for them.” (Remember, folks, computers were new things back then.) He said, “Just randomly pick a couple of women students, they’re all the same, hire’em, and move on.”

I could not do that. I stole a friend’s idea and devised “The World War II Test.” I invited the applicants for interviews. These PMI wannabes came off as slick and somewhat rude. I noted something among my subjects, a sense of entitlement, they all, to varying degrees, emitted a message along the lines of “Why are you bothering me with this silly interview? I am obviously brilliant. I have a degree from Columbia. I am not going to spend my whole life as you have in this stupid bureaucracy. I just need this to add to my resume. I am in a hurry.” I hit them with the test, which consisted of about dozen questions about WWII and its aftermath. I recall a few,

Can you tell me how US troops got into Europe in the first place? When was WWII? (I would accept a variety of answers as long as the applicant could defend the dates as the true start and end of WWII.) What nations comprised the principal Allied and Axis powers? Who was Neville Chamberlain? What he did he do at Munich and with whom? Who was Mussolini? What did he do to Ethiopia? Who was Stalin? Who was Hirohito? What was D-Day? What President ordered the dropping of the atomic bombs and why? Can you name a result of the Conference at Yalta? What was the Berlin Airlift?

Of the 14 or 15 applicants I interviewed, only one got them all right — the only male in the crowd, by the way. None, zero, zip of the rest got even ONE right. Not a single one. A very irritated applicant asked me, “Do we really need to know this old stuff?” I noted that we worked with NATO and Europe, hence, it was important to know the background that led to the creation of NATO and the then just-concluded Cold War. She stared at me and said, “What does World War II have to do with NATO, the Cold War and Europe?” I promptly offered the job to the male — oh, the cries from “Human Resources” — who turned it down for a more lucrative one in the private sector. In the best Foreign Service tradition, I stalled hiring anybody else, let my two-year assignment run out, and left my poor successor to get stuck with one of the clueless ones.

Back to our story. I wonder how many of the “highly educated voters” could pass that WWII test? Or the Vietnam War Test? Or the Cold War test? Or know much about American history? Or understand the economy? And worst of all, the odds are they can’t fire a gun, either.

Moral of the story: do not accept the mantra that Obama voters are “highly educated.” They just went to “institutions of higher learning,” you know, like the one where the Weatherman terrorist, Bill Ayers, teaches.

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16 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    Being educated does not bestow wisdom.

    Education and intelligence are independent of each other.

  2. cllucas

    A little shady on Yalta but I’m pretty darn sure I’ve got the right answer.

  3. TedB

    I would have passed your test, but I could not pass the People magazine BS that was on the State test. I could also field strip and reassemble an AK, SKS, and Enfield .303 blindfolded at the time because I had all three. If only I knew what the lead part in ‘Cats’ was I would have been in. I probably would have eventually been fired though so I guess it is okay.

  4. Indy

    Some Obama highly educated voters

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah i could definitely answer all of those questions. im a useful, productive American, just not “highly educated”.

    two bad those things dont go hand in hand

  6. Charles

    Here’s a (very) highly educated guy calling NObama what he is: an idiot.

  7. CBL

    Obama attracts sheep no more no less.

  8. Rob

    To be fair WWII is not my strong area. Although I’d have been able to get most of the questions. With the exception of Ethiopia and Chamberlain.

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    haha thats hilarious! after mentioning im not ‘highly educated’ i make a funny typo in that sentence.

    the word ‘two’ should be too

  10. EDinTampa

    I know of few Ph.D. that have absolutely no common sense and/or zero leadership skills whatsoever.

    Those elitist liberals who look down their nose like Obama does are a major problem with our country.

  11. Tom in CO

    I’m in university, have a 3.6 GPA, double majoring, but I don’t buy into liberal indoctrination views. I guess that means I’m not highly educated! :roll:

  12. Boo Boo

    OK, highly educated: he said there were 57 US states (there are 57 Islamic states or something in the world); he said he needed to talk directly to dictators, in case they don’t understand the US position clearly by now; he said even though he went to a church for 20 years, he never heard anything the pastor said (not paying attention in class?); he thinks its smart to be friends with a domestic terrorist who wasn’t given a death sentence for trying to murder police officers and government employees with bombs because of a legal technicality. Oh yeah, that’s real smart.

  13. Trialdog

    Hah!! Trick questions. Nintendo didn’t come out with the Wii until a couple years ago. As to the others; the troops took the train to the European capital, Stalin is the singer in a cool Seattle band, Ethiopia hangs around him, D-Day is a X-Box game and Bush dropped the bomb to kill indigenous peoples for oil. Frankly, if Zinn doesn’t cover these things, the kids would have to go to the library to learn them and I think it is easier to get a free rubber than a library card.

  14. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    I dunt cure for dat dern edumuhcation, boy howdy! I jes luv muh guns, country, family, and worship God n Jesus. No mo gov’ment intavension inta tha econimiy, iz wut I beleeve.

    Clearly I’m not qualified to question or criticize BHO. :roll:

  15. sully

    Education cannot and does not cure stupid. In fact, it reinforces it.
    Snobama and his husband Michelle along with the rest of the Dhimmi crowd like Carter, Pelosi, Reid, etc. are the perfect examples.

  16. franchie

    Education cannot and does not cure stupid. In fact, it reinforces it.

    SO TRUE, your a good exemple

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