Ariana Huffington: McCain No Longer An American Hero

May 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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9 Responses

  1. tedders

    Where was that idiot raised, the Czech Republic, Hungary? She wasn’t brought up in America so how could she know what a true American is. Answer: she can’t! She’s on Soro’s payroll.

    We will stay in Iraq and we will stabilize the region, one state at a time. Arianna, you’re a twit. McCain will continue the fight against terrorism and pukes like her will learn to live with America as the world power.

  2. sully

    She talks the talk but doesn’t give a rats ass bout any of it. Bitch is just an attention whore. She didn’t get enough attention from the right so she came up with a way to con the left.
    Her ‘excuse’ for her own stupefying large personal carbon footprint being the same as the Holy Algore was that she ‘wasn’t intending to set herself up as a role model’ or some similar nonsense. Completely full of shit.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    I believe Ms Puffington was raised in Greece, much like her mentor the socialist,rich, genetic defect Georgi Soros.

    Tards of a feather, stink together. :mrgreen:

  4. Kevin

    I can’t handle watching a 5 min clip of colbert and this chick…60 secs max.

  5. franchie

    “Her ‘excuse’ for her own stupefying large personal carbon footprint being the same as the Holy Algore was that she ‘wasn’t intending to set herself up as a role model’ or some similar nonsense.”

    that’s an anthology sentence of a testosteronned misogynius….

    I have seen, since the beginning of the elections race here, how the “Coue method” is a support to the evolution thinkings at each elimination of candidates :roll:

  6. bill-tb

    She’s a Soros front-end. She acts like this so she gets to go on the mega-yachts, otherwise, she couldn’t get in the same country.

    Well at least I bet McCain knows how many states there are. You would think all Americans would know that.

  7. JewishOdysseus

    She is just a divorcee millionaire, her rich husband Michael lost a race (as Repub) for Senate in Calif about 14 years ago, after the race it turned out he was homo, they got divorced, then previously-conservative Arianna turned into a brain-dead leftard.

    I hope she gets hit by a bus.

  8. sully

    fuck off

  9. franchie

    :mrgreen: :arrow:

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