Audacity Or Obamination?

May 19th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


You decide …

I’ve already made up my mind about Hussein and his intentions for this country (should we be unlucky enough for him to be handed the keys to the White House) … And I ain’t Che—- er, shy about it none neither …

Above note the WWII war flag called The Rising Sun of the then Imperial Japanese Army … You know, the country that attacked us that infamous day in December way back when in Hawii??

Well, I wonder if Hussein’s poster designers are either this stupid … or are telegraphing the not-so-hidden agenda of their man Hussein …


Whatever … It’s just fukn creepy … to say the least.

(h/t Powerline)

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14 Responses

  1. sully

    The further messiah-ification of Obambi. ‘PUT YOUR GUN AND BIBLE DOWN AND COME INTO THE LIGHT!’
    Besides, in their history books, Amerikkka is the evil empire that forced those poor Japanese to attack us in order to defend their idealic Samurai lifestyle; and it was the furtherance of Amerikkkan colonialism that was the reason those poor brown people had 2 big bombs dropped on ‘em.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    its like they took that exact symbol and put a few more details to it then put obamas picture in front of it. that is really freakin creepy.

  3. DC

    That’s the most pretentious thing I’ve ever seen!

    Not only do I see the Japanese “rising sun” behind him, I also see a WWII nazi poster. All hussein needs is a little mustache, and a creative comb-over, and he could pass for good ol’ Adolf.

  4. 1madpittbull

    Remember people that one of the most recent trends in political and “edgy” fashion is to emulate Soviet style propaganda. The multiple posters placed in a grouping on the urban street…the massive usage of straight lines and large amounts of contrasts…

    It’s a popular trend in urban imagery that is latching on to a popular trend of idiocy…Obama. :roll:

    No matter the influence, its usage is arguably disturbing.

    Pit Bull

  5. RememberOurFathers

    Got to love a good old fashioned stalinesque personality cult. This is why I have an AK47.

  6. Leatherneck

    If McCain makes it, Iran will be attacked. Pretty much cut-and-dry with him.

    If Obama makes it, he will talk to our enemies & finally come to the conclusion that you cannot make deals with savages. Hence, Iran will have to be attacked.

    I believe Clinton is out & this will be that last time I mention her name until the next time she runs….God forbid.

    It is my belief that things are only going to get worse before they get better. It will take another 9/11 or something similar to wake the drones up temporarily. Then everybody will go back to sleep & the cycle will begin again.

    Iran is going down. You can bank on that. The frustrating part of it is, we have to sit back & watch all of this tomfoolery before it happens.

    Obama is just a silly man trapped inside of his silly mind. He will live & die like everybody else & find that having displayed posters of Che Guevara won’t help out his case when facing The Maker.

    God does not like communism & history shows that all socialists fail in the end. Yeagh, they’ve got their foot in the door right now, but they’ll fall.

    So to answer your question…it’s audacity with a heavy dose of blinding ignorance.

  7. Gary in Midwest


    I think he looks more like Tojo in this pose.

  8. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    The whole cult of personality about Bambi creeps me the hell out. For all the Left accuses us of worshipping Reagan , at least we have good reason: his numerous accomplishments, from driving back the Commies in the SAG to defeating the Soviet Union, salvaging the economy along the way.

    I have yet to hear any reason from any Obama supporter for their deification of him. The closest they come is, “He’s against the war!”

    If thousands of Americans hadn’t been murdered by jihadis over the last 30, wait, my mistake, 230 years, I might have some sympathy for that position.

    On second thought, I probably wouldn’t.

  9. Indy

    That really is creepy :shock:

  10. rightangle

    Dec. 7, 1941. A date in which many servicemen woke up to the sound of attacking zeroes and were delayed in getting firearms to return fire due to locked down armories.-Saw a good read from the Ayoob files about that.

    McCain could go one better with a similar poster if he wanted to with a background similar to the colors of the state flag of Arizona- remember the Arizona? The top half of that flag has the same sun rays and MaCain basically owns it, electorally speaking.

  11. John Cunningham

    There may be thousands of these all over Philadelphia because SEPTA, the transportation system for the Philadelphia area sells advertising space on their bus stop shelters. I’ve seen a BO poster in this style, I think for about 9 to 12 months at the bus stop across from the VA. I just e-mailed SEPTA a link to this and told them I thought they might want to consider getting some company that buys bus stop advertising so their client that sells bras for busty women could use the space. Might warm up the dam bus stop during the winter.

  12. Charles

    I received an email this morning, forwarded from one of my friends, warning about the dangers of a NObama presidency. What caught my eye was the ending to the email:

    “The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal….the prophecies say that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is this anti-christ,………. OBAMA??”

    It just makes me wonder…

  13. Caligula

    looks like WWII propaganda;

  14. Leatherneck

    “The anti-christ will be a man”

    No. The antichrist will be the devil himself. Not a man.

    If the devil was a man, I would shoot him myself & our problems would be over.

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