Barr Expected To Announce Libertarian White House Bid

May 12th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


WASHINGTON - Former Republican Rep. Bob Barr is expected to announce that he’s running for president as a Libertarian.

His candidacy would be a wild card in the White House race that many believe would hurt Republican Sen. John McCain.

Barr had scheduled a news conference Monday. He first must win the Libertarian nomination at the party’s national convention that begins May 22. Party officials consider him a front-runner thanks to the national profile he developed as a Georgia congressman from 1995 to 2003.

Barr, 59, helped lead Bill Clinton’s impeachment. He quit the Republican Party two years ago, saying he had grown disillusioned with its failure to shrink government and its willingness to scale back civil liberties in fighting terrorism.


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13 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Thanks alot peckerhead! he must be getting paid off by the Obama campaign

  2. Goodbye Natalie

    Barr reminds me of that unfriendly, gruff old neighbor down the street that trims his grass with sissors and has a card board sign posted on his mailbox that says “Keep your damn dogs off my lawn.”

  3. Dave M.

    Does he sort of look like Rev Wright?
    Maybe he could get Ron Paul for VP.

  4. KBoomr113

    And now President Obama will win the White House the same way President Clinton won the White House….third party intervention. Bush Senior had Perot and now McCain has this asshole. I’m starting to think we need a constitutional Amendment to add a top two runoff if no candidate gets over 50% of the popular vote, because it fucks up the Electoral College badly this way. In fact, we would never have had a Bill Clinton if this were true.

    This is ripped from Wikipedia under the 1992 election results:

    On November 3, Bill Clinton won election as the 42nd President of the United States by a wide margin in the U.S. Electoral College, receiving 43 percent of the popular vote in the three man race against Bush’s 37 percent. It was the first time since 1968 that a candidate won the White House with under 50 percent of the popular vote. The state of Arkansas was the only state in the entire country that gave the majority of its vote to a single candidate.

  5. Lock and Load

    Why does one of these idiots always show up to draw votes away from a Republican candidate who is already weak, against an even weaker and more useless Democrat - it has always split the vote and allowed a Democrat to win who could not even get 50% of the vote - see Bubba Clinton :evil:
    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel) I agree - sounds like Hildabeast or Hussein got to him to mess up the works a bit :roll:

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    THIS is not an election to try to make some ‘philosophical’ point in …

    We are in two wars, and very well maybe heading into a third TO in Iran … It is clear the two democrat dolts don’t take this as seriously as the republican candidate.

    Barr is extremely misplaced here.

    If he wants to drag the republican party back to the standard of smaller government and less spending/taxes he really needs to get his ass back into congress … not fuck up this presidential election.

  7. sully

    Fucker couldn’t keep his seat in Congress from GEORGIA no less and he dares to believe he’ll beat Ron Paul or John McCain?!?!?!
    The audacity!!!!
    Much as I hate to, the one thing you gotta give the Dhimmis is their Socialist upbringing means they got the ‘common good’ thing down.

  8. Old Sailor

    I think it’s just an ego trip for people like Barr or Nader to run for President just so they can have their names in the spotlight for a while, to have their “15 minutes of fame”. I don’t think that he really cares about the issues he claims to care about, because he certainly cannot win, and so the only purpose for his candidacy would be to cause McCain to lose to Obama. What a shame. :mad:

  9. Steve in NC

    Drillanwr, that typical white woman, is right,
    especially on the fact he quit and walked away. Just the kind of guy you would not trust on your 6.

  10. Boo Boo

    What a creep.

  11. TedB


  12. TBinSTL (just typical)

    He left Congress and went to work for the ACLU and now this…what a total fuckbubble. :mad:

  13. Jeff

    Scary. I went to his site and read his take on the issues. He might just sway enough voters away from McCain to lock it up for Obama.

    George Washington chose to walk away instead of taking on the title of ‘King of the United States’ because he knew it went against everything Americans had fought for during the Revolutionary war. He sacrificed personal glory and power for the good of the nation. He set the example.

    Where are those kinds of politicians today?

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