Battle At Kruger - Lions vs Buffalo vs Crocs

May 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


It’s called “The Battle at Kruger” and is the all-time most watched YouTube video or something like that.

I’m sure you’ve seen it, but if not, here it is.

The National Geographic Channel is doing a special on it this week. Baby Water Buffalo (which is one of the baddest ass animals in Africa) grabbed by a pride of lions at the water’s edge. As they struggle to subdue the Buffalo, a croc comes up and grabs it and a tug of war ensues…

But you are not going to believe the outcome…

Trivia: What animal is responsible for more human deaths in Africa each year?

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10 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    The answer is the Hippo. i heard that a while back on the national geographic channel. hard to believe but they are very territorial

  2. Vehement

    How’s that little fucker still alive? He had to bleed to death later.

  3. Charles

    The mosquito…

  4. Goodbye Natalie

    I have heard the hippo but I guarantee you they pale in comparison to a little rascally insect called the mosquito, which kills hundreds of thousands each year. The most dangerous creature on the planet, except for Sudden Jihadi Syndrome and mad mullah types.

    Of course, if you add up the complicit deaths due to the BDS, military-hating types, well…

  5. rightangle

    Ans. Pigs, otherwise known as janjaweed.

  6. Brian

    i know the answer is the Hippo. but i can think of some human animals out there that kill more humans than anything else.

  7. Scotty

    A little symbolic hey. Have the lions and the crocs of the world biting away and trying to take lives and freedoms, but if people come together in masses just like the water buffalo, the predators can be overcomed.

  8. brud

    its most def the mosquito…easy one

  9. Kevin M

    The ebony liberal.

  10. IP727(varón blanco típico)


    How’s that little fucker still alive? He had to bleed to death later.

    Not necessarily, as the big cats kill by suffocation, that’s why the calf wasn’t killed outright.,

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