Biden To Bush: Talk To Iran, Or Wage War

May 18th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Joe Biden, the senator who “quipped” about Hussein being ‘clean and articulate’ (adding to all his other ass-in-mouth remarks over the years) … and NOW he’s bent out of shape over the President making a true statement about appeasement

And let’s NOT forget … How many congressmen/women and senators have also gone overseas and vocally shit all over this president and our troops and our country.

This guys is so smarmy … I want to kick my TV in anytime he’s on there with that shit grin and that bullshit delivery of his.

So, Biden confirms what we all have known for sometime now. All the UN and ally countries talking to Iran hasn’t worked … so we SHOULD just go in and bomb the unholy shit out of them … Would that be Biden’s “AYE” on the senate floor in a vote to go to war with Iran?

Well, ah`ight, Smokin’ Joe!!! We finally agree on something!

Bomb Iran!


Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., spoke this morning against President Bush’s claim that those who want to negotiate with terrorists are taking the false comfort of appeasement.

“This is raw, raw politics, demeaning to the presidency of the United States of America,” Biden said in an exclusive interview on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”

Biden explained his belief that the comments made to the Israeli parliament were targeted at Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. “I mean, literally, imagine what our friends, even our foes in the capitals from Paris to Tokyo thought, seeing the president of the United States in the Knesset, attacking another senator.”

Biden, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, backed Obama’s plan to engage in unconditional talks with the Iranians. “You either talk, you go to war, or you maintain the status quo,” he explained. “What’s the alternative to talking with a country that’s building a nuclear weapon, attempting to, that, in fact, is helping kill Americans by supporting elements in Iraq that are killing Americans?”

Biden also said that Bush should fire Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for being so-called “appeasers.” “They both — Gates, as recently as a week ago — said, we’ve got to sit down and talk with the Iranians directly,” Biden said.

When asked if the president’s comments were hypocritical, Biden explained he was “trying to be more polite, but I shouldn’t be. It was ridiculous.”

Despite defending Obama, Biden confirmed he is still not ready to endorse Obama over Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y. “I made a commitment to both of them … They each asked me to be part of their campaign, right after I got out of the campaign. I said, ‘I will make one commitment; I will not endorse either one of you, and I’ll be available to both of you,’” Biden, a former presidential candidate, explained.

But Biden noted his belief that the prolonged race is not harming the Democratic Party in the long run. When asked how long it will take to unify the party, once a nominee is determined, Biden said it would happen “immediately.” And while he did not confirm that Obama is the likely nominee, he explained that “I am absolutely, positively, thoroughly confident that, if Barack is the winner, she [Clinton] will embrace him and she’ll campaign like hell for him.”

Biden declined to comment on whether Obama should pick Clinton as his running mate, if he, indeed, wins the nomination, saying “that’s a judgment he’s got to make.”

But he pointed out that even if Clinton is not the nominee, “she’s still the most powerful woman in American politics. Now, I know the speaker might not like me saying that, who’s a powerful, capable woman. … But this is a woman who has demonstrated beyond anybody’s doubt that she has the gumption and the brains and the tenacity and the stamina to take on anything, and she is going to play a major, major role in American politics, no matter what the outcome is.”

On whether he would accept the VP position, Biden said, “anybody that’s asked by their nominee to be their running mate, you’d have to consider it. How could you just blow it off? You can’t do that. But I don’t anticipate that happening.”

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7 Responses

  1. sully

    The Dhimmis know they fucked up by overreacting. Once again, and much like all their ‘policies’, they’re trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

  2. Professor Bill

    Once again we have a demonstration as to the sheer incompetence and stupidity of congressional democrats. Is there any doubt left as to the assertion that the most incompetent boobs are in charge of America? We truly live in scary times. :mad:

  3. Clutch250f

    How come it’s unheard of for a president to call out a bullshit call on a senator but it’s normal for senators to be douchebags to the president? Did i miss a meeting where this was decided? If so could i please get the memos a little faster?

  4. jam

    Being a strong believer in civility, I’ll just say fuck Joe Biden. He’s never been anything but a hack with a grin spewing sewage.

  5. CPLViper

    Funniest thing I read about this whole Obama hissy fit is his comment about the Republican’s having to explain Kennedy’s diplomacy with Russia over the Cuban Missile Crisis. I actually laughed out loud because contrary to Wikipedia’s explaination that Kennedy decided against an air strike on Cuba, that was what was actually going to happen. Let’s just say a specific aircraft carrier (CVN-65) had 4 jets, fueled, armed with nukes, engines running and on the launcher while these talks were occurring. If the order was given, no one would have been able to stop Cuba from disappearing from the earth. Less than 6 minutes from go to blow. It was the threat of force that turned the Russians from hard-ass to deal-taker in that situation. Diplomacy is nothing without force AND the balls to use it, Obama doesn’t have the balls and he wants to cut off the force, so come to your own conclusions on him.

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: CPLViper

    I have related on the site before …

    My Uncle was a very young paratrooper with the Army’s 82ndAB during the Cubal Missile Crisis. Stationed in Ga.

    He and the rest were geared-up, ready to go, and sleeping under the planes on the tarmac just waiting for the order to fly, and jump into Cuba.

    To this day, my Uncle insists we should have gone.

  7. CPLViper


    My dad was on that carrier, he was ordered to leave the deck when the Marines came out to guard the nukes and the planes to carry them. The deck was cleared in case anyone had second thoughts. Your uncle may not have had an island to jump on to if the order was given.

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