Bin Laden Releases New Message: Bash Responds

May 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Get ready! The Big Boss Hog puked out a bunch of the same old pieces of small inestine…nothing new there, you know:

“Kill the Jews! Kill America!”

He’s a laughing stock.

Doesn’t negate the necessity for his butchering, however. I want some of them baby back ribs to feed my banty rooster. My kids named him Clarence, the banty rooster, but I call him “Jihadi”…he is representative of every little piece of shit rag head camel humper that runs around thumping his little chest and shooting like an idiot into the air while the bullets come down on his grandma’s head over the sand dune in BugaBuga.

They have docs over there that specialize in removing bullets that fall from celebratory fire. They land differently…

Nevermind, long story, here’s what the unbiased and balanced Reuters had to say about Yomamas Been Bobbin on my Knobbin’s new pile of rancid stomach contents…

DUBAI- Osama bin Laden vowed in an audio tape to mark Israel’s 60th anniversary to continue to fight the Jewish state and its allies in the West.

Vowed? Vowed! Wow! He…he…vowed. I’m in awe.

The al Qaeda leader, who has placed growing emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said it was at the heart of the Muslim battle with the West and an inspiration to the 19 bombers who carried out the attacks on U.S. cities on September 11, 2001.

Funny, back in 2005 he said the heart of the muslim battle with the West was in Baghdad. MAKE UP YER FUKN MIND YOU LOSER! Oh, thats right…WE make it up for him becaue WE DECIDE where the heart of the battle is…and also because we didn’t cut and run like the liberal dhimmicraps in our country wanted us to, we stayed in the fight and KICKED YOUR FUCKING ASS!

“We will continue, God permitting,(He obviously is NOT permitting, brainiac) the fight against the Israelis and their allies … and will not give up a single inch of Palestine as long as there is one true Muslim on Earth,” he said in the message, posted on an Islamist website on Friday.

He said the exact same thing about Baghdad, which he called the “Capital of the Caliphate” a couple of years ago. Look at you now, you fuck.


Bin Laden said Israel’s anniversary celebrations were a reminder that it did not exist 60 years ago, and had been established on land seized from Palestinians by force.

Wrong again, raghead, Israel existed the moment God said it did, ask Jacob. Oh, wait, you know Jacob, he’s the son of the man who disowned you as a bastard child and kicked your “ancester” Ishmael out into the desert. That makes you a son of a bastard, bitch.

“This is evidence that Palestine is our land, and the Israelis are invaders and occupiers who should be fought,” he said in the tape, which was addressed to the Western public.

Fuck you, it is not your land, you are uncircumcised philistines and filthy camel servants.

The Saudi-born militant also said that decades of peace initiatives had failed to establish a Palestinian state, and the West had proved time and again that it sided with Israel.

Hey! He gets it right, peace ain’t gonna work, so it looks like we’ve finally come to our senses and decided to create a new Jihadikilling machine headed up by our battle-hardened Colonels about to be Generals and led by David Petraeus. Be afraid, be very afraid.

“The participation of Western leaders with the Jews in this celebration confirms that the West backs this Jewish occupation of our land, and that they stand in the Israeli corner against us,” he said. “They proved this in practice by sending their forces to southern Lebanon.”

Right again! Gee, he’s catching on!

He also said Western media had over the years painted Israelis as victims, and the Palestinians who had been displaced from their land as terrorists.


The authenticity of the tape could not immediately be verified but the voice sounded like bin Laden’s.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Arye Mekel dismissed the tape as the ravings of a terrorist.

“We don’t pay any attention to the threats of a crazy terrorist. The time has come for him to be caught and to be punished for all his crimes,” Mekel said.

Amen, bro…

A U.S. official in Washington said the tape was being reviewed to establish if it was genuinely from bin Laden but the content came as no surprise.

“There’s been a recent spate of terrorist messages in which Israel has been a central theme — one that al Qaeda believes resonates in the Muslim world,” the official said.

We’re coming for your ass….bitch, and your little piglets, too!

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5 Responses

  1. Steady

    Find UBL and KILL HIM!!!! Do NOT take him alive. KILL HIM!!!!! Eye for an eye. :mad:

  2. Wendy

    Nothing to do with this post, but this article is going to piss you off. Looks like U.N. is going to try and get involved in our election.

  3. Dave M.

    Let’s hope the UN figures out that Obama is an Arab.
    and Obama Bin Laden?
    that’s pretty brave talk from a caveman.

  4. John Cunningham

    Wendy, were they’re needed they won’t go because they may not even be let into that country or they’ll be watched like a hawk.

  5. Nate - SW

    Nicely peppered.

    The Middle-Easterners have to be seeing through this shit, well; since we are aerating their lies with our finest diplomats, US Soldiers.

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