Al Qaeda In Iraq’s Leader, Al Masri, Arrested - Now With Video

May 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


AP News Alert

May 8 04:28 PM US/Eastern

BAGHDAD (AP) - The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, was arrested in the northern city of Mosul, the Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman said Thursday. Mohammed al-Askari said the arrest of al-Masri, also known as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, was confirmed to him by the Iraqi commander of the province. There was no immediate confirmation or comment from U.S. forces.

News of the arrest was also reported by Iraqi state television.

“The commander of Ninevah military operations informed me that Iraqi troops captured Abu Hamza al-Muhajir the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq,” al-Askari told The Associated Press by telephone.

He did not have any further details nor did he say when the al-Qaida leader was arrested. According to unconfirmed reports, however, he was caught Thursday evening in the Tayran area in central Mosul, 225 miles northwest of Baghdad. Mosul is currently a major battleground for U.S. forces and al-Qaida.

Al-Masri took over al-Qaida in Iraq after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed June 7, 2006 in a U.S. airstrike northeast of Baghdad.

U.S. officials said al-Masri joined an extremist group led by al- Qaida’s No.2 official. He later joined al-Qaida training camps in Afghanistan in 1999 and trained as a car bombing expert before traveling to Iraq after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

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29 Responses

  1. cclezel

    Oh this makes me hard! :twisted:

  2. Vehement

    Now to hang this fucker, too! Or maybe death by :gun: firing squad!

  3. James

    rabid dogs must be shot :gun:

  4. Kevin M

    Arrested, huh? So were all the conspirators who bombed the USS Cole. Where are they now?

    When this mongrel is neutered and hung by piano wire, call me at the bar and let me know.

  5. Jeff

    Ah, what a shame. :gun: :shock:


  6. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Waterboarding first people! Where are your brains today?

  7. 83delta

    Pull his skin off slowly with a razor and a pair of pliers, just don’t waterboard!

  8. John

    This is the leader of AQI in Iraq. And I would not be surprised if he did not get “Enhanced interrogation techniques” after all the retreating the administration has been doing on that topic. It has only been used on the most inner circle of AQI and this is still protested by the left… Really hurts the intel effort…

  9. Rich C

    Another stunning blow of bad news for the libs. Feed this MFer a big pork filled sandwich before dressing him in women’s clothing. Then, let’s use him for target practice making head shots a no no.

  10. skh.pcola

    I’m with Kevin M…the stupendous intellects in the Islamic world will probably lose this goatherder on the way to court. It’s difficult to tell if their incompetence is willful or the entire Islamic world of law enforcement is populated by dipshit Barney Fifes. “Capture” should have been replaced by “recovered the corpse of,” unless we can secure him ourselves and bleed him (literally) for intel.

  11. James

    This one will get Egyptian interrogation techniques; lots of intel.

  12. Joe in MD

    Turn this piglet into a bag of pork rinds :twisted: :gun:

  13. Rob

    I say waterbord the hell out of him. Electroshock torture, etc. Find out all he knows then kill the bastard. He doesn’t deserve to be “protected” by the Geneva Convention he’s responsible for the deaths of countless Iraqis and American soldiers. I think we should burn him at the stake after we find out what he knows.

  14. Zolkowski

    great news! The only problem is that it’s only a matter of time before someone else is put in charge

  15. Kevin M

    :arrow: Zolkowski

    Good point. I so hate to be an optimist, but I am beginning to wonder just how popular this particular job will be.

    AQ is getting its balls pureed in Iraq. And if there’s any truth to an impending Iranian Strike, I suspect most hardliners will decide to head back to the goat herds for a decade until a window of opportunity arises (that window being located just below the goat’s tail). :mrgreen:

  16. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    Have a couple Massad agents in the room when you interogate him, watch him pee his frikin pants. Tell him nicely ” You can talk to us, or you can talk to them ” Bet he starts singing like a bird.

  17. Chris, St. Petersburg

    Nope, wrong. Not because of him, fuck him. Because we want the Iraqis to move away from the brutality page.

    I think everybody (sensible) agrees on the ticking time bomb theory, what you might have to do. Iraq needs to heal and young men over there need to start seeing some restraint. It would be easy to whack him; he should be severely punished by subjecting him to an unending tyranny from a bureaucracy that controls his freedom.

    I don’t want this guy to ever see the light of day again, but I do want young Iraqis to start learning that whacking isn’t the first choice, moving forward.

  18. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Time for Al Masri to meet the 72 year-old-virgin. The death and destruction and mayhem that he is responsible for should be paid back by him ASAP.
    Bye, bye, towel-headed bed-sheeter mo fo.
    Good work boys.
    Horrah! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  19. Birdddog

    :gun: :gun: :beer:

  20. just posting

    FUCK YEA! FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YEA! :beer: :beer: :gun: :gun:

  21. Jimmyb


    :arrow: Blastdad: Yeah, you can picture it now…… “well buddy…… this can go one of two ways……” :mrgreen:

  22. Bill Smith


    Let the Iraqis try him, and execute him. As the judge in a Clint Eastwood western said — Hang ‘em High, I believe — “He won’t have been murdered, he’ll have been judged.”
    :gun: :beer: :beer:

  23. Dan (The Infidel)

    What was that the little tard in Congress said awhile back about the war in Iraq being lost? LOL. What a dumb ass. The news from Iraq is gets better and better. One more asshole down. I doubt the Iraqis will let this pig go…not after the things he’s done to the Sunnis. Naturally Iraqi justice is not anything the poor tards in the UN want to hear about.
    Rest assured, the Iraqis will get all the info from this guy that is in his little mind…one way or another.

    Oh BTW. if anyone wants to teach Iraqis how to behave…you might want to do some more reasearch. As the lady in Anbar said not long ago: “Americans are more Iraqi than Iraqis are”. That is the highest compliment any Iraqi can pay to an infidel.

    But be advised, as long as one jihadi lives, the jihad will continue. The nexus of the problem in the ME isn’t the people themselves, it is Islam with its facist ideology.

    On the plus side US Marines and Soldiers have won the hearts and minds of the kids. An entire generation of children is growing up in the shadow of some great and generous Americans troops.

    The example of blood, sacrifice, courage and honor is there for all to see. No wonder the lady in Anbar was so complimentary of our troops. AQ has lost the hearts and minds of this war.

    Sustaining that impetus will require the destruction of mookie, and Iran’s Al Quds. AQ is already defeated. One down, two to go.


  24. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Captain Mal, “I don’t want you to kill him, just scare him a little”.

    Jayne, “pain is scary….”

  25. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    give him a sex change and release him to the taliban. :lol:

  26. TBinSTL (just typical)

    The Jawa Report is pretty reliable on these things and they don’t think its him. Their sources say the Iraqi General jumped the gun on the announcement.

  27. Kevin M

    It’s all over Fox News.

    It’s NOT him.

  28. Jarhead68

    So, once again the AP gets it WRONG. No surprise there.

  29. Chris, St. Petersburg

    Exactly, going off half-cocked. I was studying ME politics and Islam, back in the 80s, when I was trying to figure out the ’students’ that protested with paper bags over their heads, against the Shah.

    I know many muslims, but this virulent strain is different. At the UofF, I had a guest speaker come into my classroom around 1982, a blonde gal in a hijab, and declare to the class, “I am a terrorist.” Then she explained her point of view and told us what she and her friends were going to do. The crazies are a minority, but they appeal to weak and ignorant minds.

    Most muslims I know, probably more than 90 per cent, revile the bad guys.

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