British Faggot Plans On Accosting & “Arresting” Bolton For “War Crimes” Tonight

May 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Little fucking prick, I hope security beats the living daylights out of him. Of course, he’s a reporter for the left-leaning Guardian.

This from the Telegraph:

John Bolton, the former US ambassador to the United Nations, faces a citizen’s arrest when he addresses an audience at the Hay Festival in Wales this evening.

George Monbiot, the journalist and activist, is planning the action because he believes Mr Bolton is a “war criminal”.

He said he was surprised that Mr Bolton would be allowed to “swim through the politest of polite soirees – which is of course Hay.”

Mr Bolton, who was the American ambassador to the UN from August 2005 to January 2006, is due to talk at the Hay-on-Wye literary festival at 6.30pm on international relations.

Mr Monbiot, a columnist for The Guardian newspaper, plans to detain him as he steps off stage at the end of his talk. He said he was prepared to jump on stage and perform the citizen’s arrest there if necessary.

He claimed Mr Bolton was “instrumental in preparing and initiating the Iraq war by disseminating false claims through the State Department” while he was under-secretary of state for arms control.

Mr Monbiot, who took part in a debate at Hay on Saturday entitled “Defeat: Why They Lost Iraq”, has been a fierce critic of the decision to launch the 2003 invasion.

He said he had formally notified police of his intention of performing a citizen’s arrest.

Mr Monbiot said: “This is the one opportunity we have, because he is mingling with the public, which doesn’t happen very often.”

He added: “I can’t think of another case where someone who has been instrumental in planning the war has been exposed to the public, so I’m taking the opportunity.

“John Bolton was pushing for the Iraq war long before he became part of the administration.”

Peter Florence, director of the Hay Festival, said Mr Monbiot’s attempt at a citizen’s arrest would be “completely unlawful”.

He said: “The Hay Festival has sought the advice of both police and lawyers, and has been unequivocally assured that a citizen’s arrest, or an attempt to instigate a citizen’s arrest, would be completely unlawful in these circumstances.


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11 Responses

  1. Q_Mech

    Another product of the modern school of “journalism”.

  2. deathstar

    “A journalist and activist.”

    Well, that pretty much says all that needs to be said about the reliability of the MSM.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    You watch, if this skinny little prick grabs ahold of Bolton he will get punched in the face. either by John Bolton or one of his guards. you dont really think he travels alone do you? oh and watch the shit storm it creates if any police officers decide to follow through with this plan.

    and should someone with such radically biased views be working for a newspaper? yeah i know, stupid question.

  4. Quincy


    What happened to that article about you that was supposed to come out in one of these British Papers?

  5. Boo Boo

    His name is Moonbat, I mean Monbiot. That pretty much says it all.

  6. lobogris

    Bolton should just tell his security to take the day off. My money’s on Bolton. The police are going to have to be there to save Monbiot.

    And the title of the debate? “Defeat: Why They Lost In Iraq.” That’s just too funny. Wish I could have been there. With a camera. I could have shown all my friends. I’m sure they would have enjoyed seeing what passes for comedy on a different planet.

  7. RC

    LOL the lunacy of moonbats! This made me chuckle, a lightweight wants to take Bolton on?? Ha ha ha.. :beer:

    John Bolton is the anti-Obama, he induces a natural flow down emasculated men’s legs than a shiver up it, this reporter will be standing in his own puddle if JB so much as glances at him.

  8. GBU43

    I look forward to the video of this idiot getting his ass kicked.. Then pepper sprayed.. and finish with a nice tasering.

  9. AmericanJarhead

    John should be carrying a sharp pointy knife and gut the stupid stinking schwantz dock if ‘Moonbat’ touches him.

  10. Mike Mose

    All of Britain is under the storm of Islam. Bolton is such a man to rid England of the crap Mr Monbiot and the like have allowed in.

    This complete fool will kneel before Allah and be wishing England had a Bolton to save his sorry ass.

  11. Goodbye Natalie

    If I were Bolton, I would welcome this challenge. The minute this tweener touched me, approached me, or smiled my way, I’d put his teeth in the back of his throat, or better a shot to the nasal bone hoping to penetrate the frontal lobe.

    It would be no loss and the tweener’s mom would be the first to stand up and cheer at the sheer weight lifted off her guilt ridden shoulders.

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