Bush Apologizes Over Koran Shooting In Iraq

May 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Remember this?

No comment…okay, I do have a comment. Nice political move, keeps the flames down, but you know what?

Fuck the Koran, fuck Jihadis, fuck the pedophile false prophet Mohammed.

I don’t have a Koran on me at the moment, but if I did, I’d take it out back and shoot it…repeatedly.

US President George W. Bush has apologised to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki over the shooting of a Koran by an American soldier near Baghdad.

“The prime minister received an apology from US President George W. Bush on the incident of shooting of a Koran by a US soldier,” Al-Iraqia television said.

US military authorities in Iraq have apologized to the local community west of Baghdad where the soldier fired at the Koran on May 11 during shooting practice.

The soldier has since been expelled from his unit and sent home.

Play it again, Sam…

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11 Responses

  1. franchie

    hey, who call me dhimmi ?

  2. Jarhead68

    What a freakin’ wussy. Yeah, I’ll apologize for shooting a Queeran when those piece of crap Hamas turds who occupied the Church of the Holy Sepulcher apologize for using the Bible to wipe their fecal-encrusted asses. Screw them. :evil: :mad: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  3. Jarhead68

    Oh, and the guy who did that should get a big welcome home party and the keys to the city of New York. Three cheers. :beer: :beer:

  4. Molly

    Shoot all the Korans you want, just don’t film it next time.

  5. Sully0811

    So when are the Catholics and other Christians getting an apology for pissChrist?

    Now I get that some manner of political gesturing has to be done to keep our “allies” from getting their panties in a knot but it just rubs me the wrong way as a prior serviceman that current servicemen don’t seem to be allowed the same manner of 1st Amendment rights as some jerk of a braindead artist who can only get interest in their work not through quality but controversy.

  6. Old Sailor

    I have no problem with shooting Korans, but the soldier was incredibly stupid for undermining a lot of recent success by the Marines and Army in Iraq with this idiotic stunt. The military was right to get rid of him quick and apologize, because we can’t afford to have idiocy like that destroying all of our hard work winning over the Iraqi population, regardless of whether we despise Islam or not. There is a time for everything, and this was the wrong time for that.

  7. Marc

    See this is the same stuff that gets all the guys in the field a case of the ass and a round of sensitivity training. They are bored, we are afraid in this PC Nation of speaking what is we believe to be the truth, with the exception of some of the colorful remarks posted here on a regular basis.

    If they are going to do this stuff then for god’s sake don’t take pictures of it, video tape or whatever, this same sort of thing happened to a SEAL det, except they took pictures of the guys they captured, a legitimate tool for Intel gathering and identification, and one idiot who eventually got into trouble sent them to a friend back in the states and then that dimwit posted them on a web page “saying hey look what I’ve got sort of thing”.

    We are the mightiest nation in the world and now we are groveling like eighth graders begging not to get detention. This really did not need to happen if this misguided individual hadn’t done this but hey he did, and he should be at least fined for the amount of the ammo he expended.

  8. Ang

    I’m confused…

    And don’t bother posting passage of hate from the Koran I know them all by heart and try to live them out the best I can.

    I still say Jesus is Lord and a person’s relationship with God is the most important one they can have.

  9. Iacobus

    :arrow: Ang

    I could really give a shit if someone shot a Bible, and that’s coming from a die-hard Roman Catholic.

    Want to know why, dipshit? Because my faith is stronger than any action taken against it. Contrast *that* with the fact that Muzzies idolize the Koran—which, if I must mention, is just a book.

    As far as “posting passages of hate from the Koran” goes…please, show us the wanton acts of barbaric terrorism committed in the name of Christianity (or even Judaism) *today* and compare it to acts committed in the name of Islam.

    In case you haven’t noticed, 3000+ of our citizens and soldiers were murdered by 19 on a certain date. Which religious worldview did they subscribe to, Ang?

    Yeah. I fucking thought so. And that’s just *one* example in a sea of fucking many.

    Now go back to banging your sippy-cup.

  10. brovato

    :arrow: lacobus: well said, have one on me :beer:

  11. Lamplighter

    BFD. Who cares if someone used it for target practice. Our president reacting to this? Pu-leeze, he must be getting real soft in his lame duckedness.

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