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May 31st, 2008 at 5:02 pmI have Burned a Crashed a couple of old cars in my time. The tires Pop and the fuel tank Wooshes If that is a word. But they dont Explode!
I agree with Birdddog.
May 31st, 2008 at 5:24 pmLiveleak: This was recorded in Ekaterinburg
That’s the city in Russia where the Bolsheviks murdered and chopped-up Czar Nicholas and the Romanov Family.
May 31st, 2008 at 5:24 pmWhile a VBIDE can’t be ruled out, it was definately not a typical vehicle fire.
May 31st, 2008 at 6:01 pmI have had on many occasions 20lb propane bottle(s) and/or an oxy-acetylene torch in any of my vehicles.
Don’t know how either of them would take being in an inferno as such, and don’t want to find out.