China’s Big Pollution Problems With Videos

May 27th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Okay, might just be my lack of interest in the last few Olympics (I only watch for the hockey in the winter … okay, the ‘curling’ too … I admit it. And in the summer the track events.) But I do not recall Summer Olympic events being moved, or postponed (especially when held in the USA) due to air pollution.

Which leads me to my f*cking gripe …

Those of us here, and others who have yet to discover Dollard Nation, know the USA is NOT the world’s worst polluter … As a matter of fact the USA has dropped its polluting emissions drastically over the last couple decades. China and India far surpass our nation in the amount spewed into the air of this planet … and worse yet, not only seem to NOT be doing anything about it, but will NOT be held directly responsible by the people I list in the following grip-paragraph ….

Yet, when the global warming cultists and climate change revisionists, and carbon footprint/credits church of latter-day bullshitters cite who should pay the highest price for their snake-oil ideas on how to control the Earth’s climate it is ALWAYS the USA that will pay more and suffer more …


Heavy pollution warning issued in Beijing

BEIJING - Pollution levels rose sharply in Beijing on Tuesday, just 2-½ months before the Olympic Games in the city, prompting authorities to warn residents with respiratory problems to stay inside.

Air quality in the capital was rated as “heavily polluted” due to a sandstorm from Mongolia, the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau said on its website (

The bureau advised people susceptible to particles in the air to avoid outdoor activities.

Such sandstorms usually hit the city in March and April.

Beijing’s pollution has already proved a major concern for athletes, with twice Olympic champion Haile Gebrselassie, who suffers from asthma, pulling out of the men’s marathon out of concern for his health.

In addition to shutting down high polluters within city limits, Beijing has demanded five surrounding provinces scale back or stop production to ensure blue skies hang over Olympic venues for the Games in August.

State media also reported China had launched a second weather satellite on Tuesday to help improve forecasts for the Beijing Games.

Detailed weather predictions are important because climatic conditions can have a major impact on Beijing’s attempts to rid the skies of pollution for the Games.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has said that some endurance events might have to be shifted if the air quality is not good enough and the earlier they know about that possibility, the easier it is to re-schedule.

There are also concerns that rain, which is common in early August in the Chinese capital, might ruin the opening ceremony at the roof-less Bird’s Nest National Stadium on August 8.

Attempts to counter the threat by weather manipulation are also reliant on accurate forecasts. Beijing authorities have claimed some success in stopping rain over limited areas by firing chemicals into clouds.

The 2,295-kg satellite Fengyun-3 will provide mid-range forecasts over 10 to 15 days, Xinhua news agency reported.


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4 Responses

  1. franchie

    the nuclear chimneys are not polluing, they on ly reject water steam

    “Salbutamol” or “ventoline” in bominettes for the sportmen, that also increase their performances

    I am afraid China is no paradise

  2. RojoNixon

    I dare you to stop buying things made in China. :twisted:

  3. Mike Mose

    The Democrats want to pay ??? much money into global warming fund? If those videss came from the US they would be shut down.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    I have never seen a US city look like that. ever

    and here are many instances of Chinese cities looking like they are covered with the thickest fog on earth, although its pollution. Yet we’re the biggest polluter? yeah i definitely call bullshit on that theory as well

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