Cindy McCain “Never” Releasing Tax Returns - With Video

May 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Swamp:

Never say never.

Unless you are the wife of Sen. John McCain, you are worth a lot of money and you are asked about releasing your personal income tax returns.

Cindy McCain says she will not. Not now. And not if her husband is elected president. “No… No…,” she said to both, today on NBC’s Today Show.

“My husband and I have been married 28 years, and we have filed separate tax returns for 28 years,” said Cindy McCain, whose family made its money in beer. “This is a privacy issue…. I’m not the candidate.”

Sen. Barack Obama and wife Michelle, who file their taxes jointly, have made them public. So has Sen. Hillary Clinton and husband Bill, former president.

Cindy McCain also spoke of their 19-year-old son serving in Iraq, in the interview with NBC’s Ann Curry, and told of a painful moment when she missed his phone call from abroad. Why is the war worth the risk of his and other lives? “Freedom.”

She spoke of her husband’s reputed temper - “it’s not a temper. It’s a passion.”

And she laughed at a question about his age (71). She’s 53.

Spend a day with John McCain, his wife suggested. “He’s just a ball of fire.”

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3 Responses

  1. dad3-7

    who has the class for the job??????

  2. Mike Mose

    That is CLASS.

    Compare this lady to someone that has never been proud of her country or Clinton.

    The contrast is amazing.

  3. Reign in Blood


    Without hesitation she stuffs that question right down her throat before she even finishes. What a perfect answer to those that say exactly what the interviewer asked. Those who don’t want to risk any lives for the cause of freedom do not respect the very freedom under which they live.

    “Freedom for Iraqis?”

    Yes, of course you dumb bitch. We republicans/conservatives are unselfish unlike the democrats/socialists. They just seem to look for what the government can give to themsleves. The free health care, welfare, nanny state that they want to create. We honor freedom, they honor nothing.

    Democrats, please keep trashing, despising and dishonoring the military and maybe when you need them the most they won’t be there for you in your time of need. Good luck.

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