Classic Bash: Al Qaeda In Iraq?

May 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay, I made this around Thanksgiving last year…

…in case anyone is interested, there will never be another Bash Video like the ones I used to make. So enjoy…

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19 Responses

  1. Typical White Texas Mom

    Bash, Why will there never be another one like you used to make? I need a fix! Please explain.

    At least I have my personal copy of the old stuff signed by Louie!

  2. Lftbhndagn

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


  3. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Oh, Bash, you sick bastard!

    I’m belching turkey and yams here, babe!

    LMFAO! :gun: :beer:

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    oh the good old days! you’re the man Bash :beer: :gun:

  5. TacOps

    HAHAHA..Great video work!

  6. Jeff

    :lol: :mrgreen: :beer:

    Any chance a petition signed by everyone here would change your mind, Bash?

  7. John Goodrow

    Say it ain’t so Bash. :cry:

  8. Turambar

    Michael Yon’s book, talks a lot about how the Iraqi people threw Al Qaeda to the wolves (read Army/Marines). It’s good reading.

  9. Bob P

    The old videos kept me coming back [and the other content too]. How’s the schizo girl doing? I miss those tearful laughs. Thanks Bash. :beer:

  10. Steve in NC

    :!: :!: :arrow: Bash,

    Time got by me, I need to buy that DVD you had out.

    Can you fire off an email to me with instructions?


    BTY, why for not you make funny movies like this anymore?

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Read carefully the words of OBL. He explains why IRAQ not Afghanistan is the most important battle space in the GWOT.
    Hear that Dhimoids, libs and other mindless shitbirds?

  12. 83delta

    Tell Louie to get off his “dead ass”, and get the vids goin!! or we’ll ship his ass down to that finklelsteins kids house, SOB!

  13. ukatheist

    what, no more, but they pissed off so many people,my flag is at half mast and i will be wearing black for a year,the interwebs nean nothing to me now.

  14. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Not to worry, fellas …

    Pat and Bash opened the door and allowed “The Harpies From Hell” in …

    LBA and I will keep working on Bashman … until he comes forth like IRONMAN from the cave … :twisted: :beer: :gun:

  15. momps

    did they pull off the guy’s limbs?

  16. 007

    I have the Same Question as Typical White Texas Mom :?:

  17. Kevin M

    Bash, you magnificent bastard, I READ YOUR BOOK!

  18. Sandy

    :shock: :cry: no more Bashman vids??? WTFO?

    Bash, ya just gotta make more! :gun: :gun: :gun:

  19. JEM

    OK Bash..You say “like the ones I used to make”…

    So whats the deal? New set? Different radio? no Louie?

    Come on Bash throw us a bone here…

    BTW I want…need a copy of your dvd too…(I must have missed that limited time offer thingy)

    Cheers :smile: :beer:

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