The, Uh, Dick Museum

May 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


They have over 90 specimens…and the inset one? That’s an elephant dick…

Guys offering their dicks for the dick museum? What the fuck? I like mine too much, they’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hand…

I’m trying to type this out while laughing my ass off…

The founder of a penis museum has been inundated with offers to fill a major gap in his collection - a human specimen.

Although Sigurdur Hjartarson’s Icelandic Phallological Museum boasts 261 penises, it still lacks a human one. However, four men have promised to donate theirs.

Mr Hjartarson’s collection started as a hobby when he was given a bull’s reproductive organ 24 years ago.

It now includes samples from 90 species – ranging from a 1.7 meter (5ft 6in) specimen of a sperm whale to a 2mm hamster penis bone which has to be viewed through a magnifying glass.

Most of the organs were donated by fishermen, hunters and biologists, said Mr Hjartarson.

He paid for only one: an elephant penis nearly 1 meter (3ft 2in) long that hangs in the museum’s “foreign section”.

But homo sapiens is not yet represented among the stuffed, dried and pickled samples that line the walls of the museum’s inconspicuous brown building in the quiet fishing village of Husavik.

This may soon be rectified, according to four certificates on display in which a German, an American, an Icelander and a Briton promised to donate their organs after death.

The American, Stan Underwood, 52, went so far as to supply a description of his penis, nicknaming it “Elmo”, along with a life-size plastic mould.

According to Mr Hjartarson, about 6,000 visitors saw the collection last summer - 60 percent of them women.

Open from May to September, the entrance to the museum is marked by a tall brown phallus near the door and a penis-shaped sign over the front porch.

Mr Hjartarson, a former school administrator, said the exhibits were kept in his office before his museum opened in 1997. “They were not on display in the sitting room.”


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23 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    DAAA-YYYYAM! :shock:

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    Bash-Guys offering their dicks for the dick museum? What the fuck? I like mine too much, they’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hand…


    now thats hilarious! :mrgreen:

    oh and that fella looks WAY too comfortable touching that giant dick.

  3. franchie

    “But homo sapiens is not yet represented among the stuffed”

    they may not support the comparaison :roll:

  4. chris

    four men promised to donate theirs :lol:

  5. GregGS

    Another academic.. this explains the problems of academia, they’ve all got penis envy :lol:

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    a 2mm long hamster penis? haha i must have missed that the first time i read it.

  7. franchie

    tonight its Bashing penis envy :mrgreen:

  8. Quincy


    Which Penis is the French one. Wink Wink

  9. Steven D

    Too bad it isn’t the balls museum. Methinks Pat would take the record.

    :beer: :beer:

  10. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Now that’s freaking weird.

  11. Molly

    I could barely read the article I was laughing so much.

  12. allahlovesporkchops

    A 2mm hamster penis “bone”?

  13. 007

    Obama might as well Donate his! (PUSS*)

  14. deathstar

    Since its a dick museum shouldnt they have harry weed, san fran nan, durbin the turban, murta and kerry on display? Or are they allready in the cunt museum?

  15. Goodbye Natalie

    I’d offer mine but compared to the “thing” shown, I’m afraid they would just put mine on the bottom shelf.

  16. Kim

    :arrow: He paid for only one: an elephant penis nearly 1 meter (3ft 2in) long that hangs in the museum’s “foreign section”.

    “Foreign section”? As opposed to “domestic”?

    :arrow: The American, Stan Underwood, 52, went so far as to supply a description of his penis, nicknaming it “Elmo”, along with a life-size plastic mould.

    Leave it to American ingenuity! Atta boy Stan, er…Elmo :wink:

  17. Indy

    :arrow: chris

    :arrow: four men promised to donate theirs

    Is that before, or after they are done with them? :???:

  18. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    A penis museum! Now, someone has to much time and money.. WTF?

    Remember girls and boys, it ain’t the size of the ship it is how well you sail that ship! :mrgreen:

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    I agree, the guy does look a little to comfortable. He has his hand on that big dick like a proud daddy would have his hand on his son’s shoulder after he scored the winning touchdown.

  19. Kurt(the infidel)

    0311inOHio (typical white person)

    Thats what im saying! he looks like its just another day at the office lol

  20. franchie

    Quincy, too big for that museum :mrgreen:

  21. Bob USMC

    Put Dick Durbin in a pickle jar! :twisted: :gun: :beer:

  22. Q_Mech

    All I can say is that’s not a Texan elephant. :lol:

  23. rightangle

    Thats not why they called him the Elephant man is it?

    :arrow: Q_Mech. Not a Texan elephant?

    Maybe a seafood vendor sold him a large geoduck. We have them in the Northwest, I think they might even be the mascot for Evergreen (Olympia Wa.) College- Berkley North.

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