Colonel North Slaps The Crap Out Of Hussein’s Foreign Policy - With Video

May 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


We ran a video earlier today in which meathead Chris “Obama Gives Me A Funny Feeling Up My Leg” Matthews really exploited an opening his inexperienced, and in need of a history lesson, guest gave him regarding Chamberlain and Hitler.

Colonel North spells out exactly what Chamberlain did wrong, and ties it in with Hussein’s idiotic statements about being the only major candidate willing to meet unconditionally with The Munchkin King Ahmabigdickwad, which, North points out, is a statement Obama has since removed from his website…STOP…



This is a great segment…

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10 Responses

  1. cclezel

    I hope I get to meet the honorable Ollie North. What a true warrior and patriot. My heartfelt salute to you sir for your service and your support for our men and women in harms way.

  2. nerbygirl

    I have a friend who escaped Iran over 25 years ago. He told me that there is no word for “negotiate” in the farsi language(the language of Iran). Why? Because they DON’T NEGOTIATE IN THAT COUNTRY.
    Barack Obama is a naive dumbass.

  3. 007

    Allan: Blah, Blah,- Blah, Blah- Blah, Blah. :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: I am going away!!!!

  4. JJIrons

    Ollie! Run for president! Fast!

  5. Jarhead68

    Colmes the tool strikes again. Clueless in The Big Apple would be a movie about Colmes. Ollie is fantabulous. He sends a thrill up my table leg.

  6. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I’ve still got my Col North for President t-shirt around somewhere from back in the Iran-Contra testimony days. Colmesy remains at the top of my “bitch slap just on principle” list.

  7. KC

    Speaking of “bitch slap just on principle”, Ollie just did it for you (verbally of course). Ollie for pres, Newt for VP.

  8. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Just so you all know, and can share my bitterness….
    Col North was on the “short list” for Thompson’s VP. I’ll go weep myself to sleep again now….

  9. Typical White Texas Mom

    I can’t stand Alan Colmes . . . I don’t watch that show because I end up screaming at the television and my daughter gets upset.

    Thanks for posting.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ollie rules. Colmes is a pinhead. You don’t negotiate with jihadis and Nazis. You kill them in large numbers, then you TELL them what to do do. Got news for you Colmes, war IS sometimes the right answer. Spoiled libtards like yourself don’t have the the stomach for it, because you’re too busy sitting on your fat white ass, sucking down lattes and bemoaning the passing of your hippie-ass youth.

    That’s why we have a military. So that lazy, spoiled libtards like you don’t actually have to work for your freedom. So that lazy fat ass white shits like you can sit on your office asses and drink your f*ucking latte without having to worry about some jihadi prick blowing your sorry ass up.

    I’ll never forget Ollie’s testimony in Congress. Absolutely inspiring. And Ollie is still inspiring others. Semper Fi bro.

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