Comedy Break: The Reason Why USA Still Has Troops In Iraq

May 5th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.

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21 Responses

  1. Gregory Donald Hiel

    Are those guys fresh out of Air force basic?


  2. Dave

    NAvy Boot camp

  3. jarhead68

    I saw that about a year ago. Never gets old. It’s so wrong for the Iraqis to recruit cerebral palsy victims. No offense intended to the victims of CP.

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    To freaking funny! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  5. Kevin M

    They should have tried…

    wahid (1)
    ithnen (2)
    thelatha (3)…

    Still, it reminds me of “The Man Who Would Be King” with Michael Caine and Sean Connery, trying to shape up the soldiers of Kaffiristan.

    “Now. In the British Army, the count has always been, 1…2…3. Ready, steady, go!”

    …with a dose of Monty Python…

    “Wait for it!”

  6. Lftbhndagn

    Kevin M

    Just for you!

  7. Jeff

    :arrow: Dave
    NAvy Boot camp

    Hey hey now. :twisted: Actually, there were a couple of guys in my boot camp company who woulda fit right in with this bunch.

    That one guy mid-left in the line up looks like he’s doing the breast stroke. How he’s doing that without being in water is beyond me though. And WTF is the third guy from the right doing?

  8. Kampfgruppe Cottrell


  9. TBinSTL (just typical)

    C’mon, black guys, help the white guys…..

  10. TBinSTL (just typical)

    @2:15 if you don’t remember…

  11. ssgduke54

    Gee My Freshman year high school PT did better then these clowns! :roll:

  12. the gunslinger

    is this for real? i find it hard to believe that there could be that many people out of rhythm at once. real or not though, it is effing hilarious! :lol:

  13. Kurt(the infidel)

    wow that was absolutely one of the funniest things i ever seen. I mean its jumping jacks. I know this video is old and the IA are now a bunch of ass kickers but still :mrgreen:

  14. Sandy

    I had heard about how they had trouble doing jumping jacks but this is hysterical! This is the first time I ever saw it! :lol:

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    Tommy tentpeg lives…in Iraq… :mrgreen:

    Can’t ya just hear R. Lee Ermey? “You are a disgusting fat body Private Pyle”. ROFLOL :lol:

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    Two suggestions:

    1. Learn how to conduct “PT” in Arabic.

    2. Log PT. We used it in Basic to get the fat bodies in shape and as a disciplinary tool. In the arty we used log pt to build upper body strength and teamwork.

  17. JJIrons

    Come on! This HAS to be a joke…it IS a joke isn’t it?…

  18. Kim

    It’s evil for Muslims to dance - maybe they never developed a sense of rhythm! I would have loved the camera to pan to the faces of the guys leading the PT.

    The Monty Phyton race for the death was hilarious :lol:

  19. Kim

    Oops, that was Monty Python’s race for the “deaf”, although the starter was pissed enough that “death” might have worked.

  20. Militant Bibliophile

    To quote PJ O’Rourke:

    Asia, the continent rhythm forgot.

    I see it extends beyond Japanese discos. Who knew?

  21. Word-Drum

    5, 6, 7, 8, Richard Simmons to the Iraqi State.

    Time for Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the Iraqi Army.(?)

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