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10 Responses

  1. franchie

    I make much more…. in “monopoly”

  2. Boo Boo

    The congressional demagogues scheduled this hearing to cover up and spin the news they knew was coming out today by the IEA that says the world is short the oil capacity it needs by 12.5 million barrels a day by 2015, which is only 7 years away. And why? Because the U.S. has to buy oil on the world market and hasn’t significantly increased production domestically for over 30 years because of the environmental fascists like Sierra Club, Greeenpeace, World Wildlife Fund and their codependents in the dem congress that have strangled all domestic production and refining. I’ve ben told the U.S. has done a great job on conservation and efficiency in the last 30 years, with per capita demand remaining flat. But, we can’t conserve our way out of this. The chickens are coming home to roost, as Rev. Wrong likes to say.

  3. sully

    If Leahy could manage *anything* he’d be doing that instead of fucking all of us.
    oh and fuck CNN.

  4. ssgduke54

    :evil: If we are going to do the blame game let me put my 2 cents worth. One: Oil companies now will never drill for more oil or build new refineries because that will bring their profits down and the share holders will not like that. Two: Then you have the environmentalists that will go to court to put an injunction on any drilling or new refineries in! Three: Then you have the Fed Government who have been lobbied by both the corrupt oil companies and the wacko environmentalists that for over 30 YEARS made our government to do NOTHING to solve this 3rd oil crisis! And Four: We (and that including myself) act like sheep and are doing nothing by either attempting to boycotting the oil companies and/or getting rid of our corrupt politicians who truly do not do anything to make us independent from foreign oil.
    Once gasoline get above $5.00 gal this will destroy the middle class and our economy. We need to wake up folks or the United States will become the UNUNITED STATES!!!

  5. steve m

    “Oil companies now will never drill for more oil or build new refineries because that will bring their profits down and the share holders will not like that.”

    Not true. Why would you limit your capacity/ability to meet ever increasing world demand? That in and of itself limits profit potential. China and India are far from being “done” as far as economic growth. The US will continue to grow as well. Demand will, for years, increase. Meeting it is the best assurance of profit growth.

  6. Boo Boo

    What have I done? I carpeted my house with carpet that uses no petroleum in its composition, I get in the car less, I am not flying to Europe this summer (due to high oil and low dollar, ticketprices and travel prices higher). And we (US) have done something else: we have kept per capita demand flat for decades. Oh, and the theory that oil companies won’t drill more because it would deflate their profit margin: if they wouldn’t (if they were allowed by envirofascists and congress), then new competitors would (ever heard of wildcatters?).

  7. Kermit

    So what does Microsoft or Googles execs make and also what are the profit margins of their companies.

    Leahy is a dick! Grandstanding for the nutroots.

  8. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Could Sen. Leahy ask Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and any number of Senators and Congressmember how much money they and their spouses make every year?

    Oh, and while you’re at it, Sen. Leahy … Why don’t you ask Rep. Pelosi about the ‘questionable’ non-union “people” she and her hubby have working on their lucrative private vineyard BUSINESS.

  9. Kentucky Jim

    Is the amount going to oil corporation profit more than the amount going to congress in taxes?

  10. Gandalf

    The solution to the problem is right in front of us. Build nuclear power plants like there was no tomorrow and open up all areas to drilling for oil and gas. Congress should pass a bill within a week ripping down all the constraints to pedal to the metal actions including a no litigation allowed clause. In 5 years we would be net exporters of energy. They won’t of course because of the junk science and nimby crowds that keep them in office. Five years from now we will be in an even deeper hole. Bastards all.

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