Couric ‘Embarrassed’ By Coverage Of Iraq War

May 28th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


You gotta be f*cking kidding me …

Couric thinks the media dropped the proverbial ball in covering the Iraq War?

Oh! But NOT because they didn’t cover successes … No … Because they obviously, in her cheerleader’s mind, didn’t spin it negatively enough.

Bernie Goldberg is right … These liberal ‘journalists’ do not believe they are … liberal.


CBS’s Couric: Iraq War Coverage ‘One of the Most Embarrassing Chapters in American Journalism’

By Kyle Drennen - News Busters:

On Wednesday’s CBS “Early Show” evening news anchors, ABC’S Charles Gibson, NBC’s Brian Williams, and CBS’s Katie Couric, were all on to promote an upcoming cancer research telethon, but near the end of segment, co-host Harry Smith asked about former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan’s new book in which McClellan claims the media did not ask tough questions leading up to the Iraq war and Couric agreed:

I think it’s a very legitimate allegation. I think it’s one of the most embarrassing chapters in American journalism. And I think there was a sense of pressure from corporations who own where we work and from the government itself to really squash any kinds of dissent or any kind of questioning of it. I think it was extremely subtle but very, very effective. And I think Scott McClellan has a really good point.

Perhaps a better example of “one of the most embarrassing chapters in American journalism” would be Couric’s predecessor, Dan Rather, using fraudulent National Guard memos to attempt to smear President Bush just prior to the 2004 election.

By contrast, Gibson disagreed with McClellan’s characterization: “No, I think that the media did a pretty good job of focusing and asking the questions.” Williams offered a similar diplomatic answer: “I think people have to remember the post-9/11 era and how that felt and what the president felt he was empowered to do and that Colin Powell speech at the U.N.”

Smith then replied to Williams: “And what the mood of the country was.” At that point, Couric once again shared her thoughts: “Definitely. But you know, our responsibility is to sometimes go against the mood of the country and ask the hard questions.” Of course, when Couric interviewed General David Petraeus last month she did not seem interested in going “against the mood of the country”: “Finally, general, in our latest poll, 54 percent of Americans think the war is going badly — more than half, obviously. How can you sustain this effort without more popular support here at home?”

Here is the full transcript of the “Early Show” segment:


HARRY SMITH: Hey, can we talk about Scott McClellan’s book which is in stores now and he talks about the failure of main stream media to hold the Bush Administration’s feet to the fire in the run-up to the war. Is that an allegation that feels to you like it has merit or not? Charles?

CHARLES GIBSON: When I write my book, I will take exception to that, but I won’t write my book. No, I think that the media did a pretty good job of focusing and asking the questions. We were not given access to get into the country, to go along, as Brian was talking about earlier, to go along with the inspectors. But the questions were asked. The questions were asked. It was just a drum beat from the government, and I think it’s convenient now to blame the media, but I don’t.

KATIE COURIC: I think it’s a very legitimate allegation. I think it’s one of the most embarrassing chapters in American journalism. And I think there was a sense of pressure from corporations who own where we work and from the government itself to really squash any kinds of dissent or any kind of questioning of it. I think it was extremely subtle but very, very effective. And I think Scott McClellan has a really good point.

SMITH: Brian, we have ten seconds left.

BRIAN WILLIAMS: I think people have to remember the post-9/11 era and how that felt and what the president felt he was empowered to do and that Colin Powell speech at the U.N.

SMITH: And what the mood of the country was.

WILLIAMS: Absolutely.

COURIC: Definitely. But you know, our responsibility is to sometimes go against the mood of the country and ask the hard questions.

SMITH: There you go. Thank you all for being here this morning. Great to see you.

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15 Responses

  1. alex

    it should be legal to execute these treasonous lying scumbags.

  2. Quincy

    I thought this broad was a cheerleader for the war?

    Remember: “I think Navy SEALS rock”

    She is rewriting the past. She was ready to blow half the Armed Forces

  3. scREDneck

    She’s woman enough to tell the news, but not MAN enough to tell the TRUTH!

  4. BILL


  5. Steve in NC

    I am sick of the label ‘liberal’, That bitch is an anti American neo -communist.

  6. Kentucky Jim


    I agree. This is another example of how 98% of the liberals give the rest a bad name.

  7. sully

    Thank you SO much Katie for making your enlightened worldview clear for us proles.
    Now go fuck yourself.

  8. franchie

    Sully, a message jumped on you :arrow: :sad:

  9. Boo Boo

    When the media blows it, they turn around and blame the government. Oh yeah, right. Meanwhile NYT never missed a beat as it published classified info about terror financing investigations, etc. And did Couric forget her Iraq victory tour a few months ago, to self promote and try to pump up her ratings? What a crock.

  10. C-Low

    “to really squash any kinds of dissent or any kind of questioning of it.”

    Huh whhaaat

    I maybe a little foggy on some recent history but didn’t we argue back and forth here at home, at the UN, at the EU, and everywhere between from TV channel news etc…. about the coming Iraq campaign from roughly 2002′-2003′? That year of inspection dribble, talk, argue, question, accuse, BS gave Saddam more than enough time to compensate and hide all those weapons & cash we have been fighting against in the last 5yrs.

  11. deathstar

    [[Couric ‘Embarrassed’ By Coverage Of Iraq War]]

    But not by putting the inside of her a-hole on national TV?

  12. jak

    Hey alex… IS legal. they just know we’ll never really start doing it. Right?

  13. Doc Holliday

    A generation of Hippies who grew up Idolizing the douchebags who screwed up Vietnam grew up and wanted their own version. Problem is, the next generation after them (the one that F-ed everything up) was busy on the ground trying to fix it all. And succeeded.

  14. Bob USMC

    Somebody bitch slap the crap out of that useless lib gasbag!! :gun:

  15. David Ross

    Nothing like a few pearls of wisdom from Katie. Hey Katie, how them ratings going? That good huh? You know it’s bad when QVC draws a higher nelson than your nightly news does.

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