Coyotes Attack Kids At Playground - With Bow Hunt Headshot Video

May 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

It’s bad enough when these go after pets and small livestock, but once these coyotes start going after children, they’ve gone beyond “nuisance” to “danger”…

CHINO HILLS, Calif.—State wildlife officials are temporarily closing a San Bernardino County park where two small children have had run-ins with coyotes in the past few days.

Mike McBride of California’s Department of Fish and Game says officers have killed two coyotes and are hunting more at Alterra Park in Chino Hills.

The latest incident was Sunday, when a coyote came after a toddler, whose father kicked the animal and chased it off.

On Friday, a nanny pulled a 2-year-old girl from the jaws of a coyote when the animal attacked the toddler and tried to carry her away in its mouth. The girl suffered wounds to her buttocks and was treated at a hospital.

A San Bernardino sheriff’s spokeswoman says the girl is doing fine and undergoing a series of rabies shots.


See Fox News repport below.

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14 Responses

  1. Max

    Coyotes aren’t all that large or dangerous, except for small animals (like cats, which they love to catch and eat) or little kids. I used to hunt them on my dad’s farm back in Oklahoma, although I don’t recall any attacks on kids back then.

  2. Dr. Jerry

    Hey Max,

    They are not dangerous when there is only one or even two, but when there is a large pack, and I have seen as many as 20+ together on the hunt, they are dangerous even to a fully grown man.

  3. CPLViper

    As the father to two young girls … :gun: - Bye, bye coyote.

  4. Professor Bill

    BTW, those photos superimposed on the Fox story are not coyotes, those are wolves as is the photo behind them from the Fox story.

  5. HardLuck

    Don’t know what’s up with the ‘yote that the guy was able to stick an arrow in. Here in Oklahoma you usually can’t get within 100 yards of them. I hunt them now and then but I’m no good calling them in, I do have some friends that are. But that didn’t look quite right. I’m thinking the ‘yote was sick or already wounded… or possibly young and stupid. And you don’t grow up to be an ol coyote being stupid as it should be with people.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    I have been out raccoon hunting at night in the woods with just my .22 rifle, my dog and a head lamp on and have been surrounded by them. i have to tell you it is very scary to hear or see coyotes in the woods at night. it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. and grown men have been attacked before, so Dr. Jerry is 100% right. not typically dangerous but they can be

  7. Reagan T.

    global warming did it

  8. Kurt(the infidel)


    get a woodpecker in distress call, or a rabbit in distress and make sure you’re using a red lensed spotlight. i went hunting coyotes with a 10 gauge last summer. good times :smile:

  9. el Vaquero

    DHS shoould train the Coyotes to chase the damn illegal criminals back across the border…

  10. Howie

    Back in ‘91 we had Marines going through MCT (Marine Combat Training) who were chased by a pack of coyotes during a night land navigation exercise. The coyotes were extremely aggressive and did not scatter when the young Marines fired blanks.

  11. Ranger

    I’m telling you, there are packs of wild dogs and coyotes in the woods around Benning which will eat your ass if not careful.

  12. Max

    I didn’t realize that coyotes hunted in large packs. On my dad’s farm, I only saw a few of them at one time, although I could hear them howling many nights. If I were surrounded by a pack of them, I think that I would want an AK-47 or an Ar-15 in my hands.

  13. Angela Lee

    Many years ago, when I lived in SoCal, I remember being given permission to visit an movie animal trainer’s place near Bouquet Canyon. He had a huge long trailer with animals pacing back and forth in it and when I asked him what was in there he said a pack of coyotes. He said he and his assistants would capture wild coyote packs from time to time for use in movies (as stand-ins for wolf packs). Don’t ask me how he accomplished this, but I remember not being aware up until that time that coyotes do, indeed, run in packs.

  14. Mark

    This is what the anti-trapping zealots wanted. They stopped trapping which controlled the population.
    Kalifornia banned cougar hunting. Now they too are totally over populated. Hunters kept the mountain Lions in check with regulated hunting of just 60 lions per yr. Since the ban, they kill over a hundred problem lions per year.

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