Video: Crazy Black Bitch On Atlanta Train

May 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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19 Responses

  1. Jeff

    Just say ‘No’

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    This ad brought to you by Atlanta Rapid Transit …

    Southern Hospitality At Its Best.

    Why pay high gas prices and add to global warming?

    Leave your car at home and ride the train …


    Atlanta Rapid Transit …

    Re-connecting people to people in a ‘rat race’ world.

    Y’all come back now … Ya hear?

  3. John Cunningham

    Exactly why I carry pepper-spray when I go downtown. You never know when one of them is going to go off.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    And this commercial for the ART system is brought to you by “drugs” the breakfast of chumps.

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    WTF was that?
    I love my gas guzzler! Feel safe in it. No, I am safe in it.
    Wow! I couldn’t imagine riding that train every day.

  6. reaganmarine84

    fuck that p.o.s. bitch!!! these arogant,black, youth culture is going to far. I so pissed at this skank;she thinks she’s so gangsta and thuggy because she can get up in an elderly womans face. that woman was probably just trying to get home or go to the store for a few groceries,and having to put up with this retarded, lousy, excuse for a female. WOULD NOT HAVE OCCURED IF I WAS ON THAT TRAIN!!! FLAT OUT!!! Let me introduce myself; UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS BITCH!!! SHUT UP AND SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!! if you even think of harassing that woman again I’m kicking your ass and you f&*cking crew!!!

  7. reaganmarine84

    did this bitch say she was going to beat the elderly ladies ass on the train at about the :55 second mark and pretend like she was slapping her in the face?@#%%$&*^%$%@$%man I’m peeved. I noticed the older lady isn’t flinching. She probably has gun in her bag.DAMN wouldn’t that be justice. The senior citizen is probably thinking ‘bitch I lived through the civil rights movement,had dogs,water hoses,and police with clubs turned on me. BITCH you and shit!!’ WAIT. HOLD UP. WTF. at 3:12. after all that drama and crazy gansta bitch shit;now she rolls over and punk’s the fuck out talking about ‘if they hit me I’m pressing charges’. are you kidding me. ROFLMAO. Oh yeah that’s gangsta. What a waste of human sperm.

  8. C-Low

    I was getting pissed but the was happy right before the end to see someone (another jit this time) step up and tell her to chill the f*ck out on the ole lady. He then continued after she kept on to spot check in front of everyone there.

    I don’t think it is surprising to see that we have retards, idiots, criminals, and general degenerates in the US. What bothers me usually when I see these kind of videos is how people all around just sit and watch like scared little pansy huddling in the corner hoping to just to be noticed. The jit at the end in this video did the right thing and stepped up.

  9. Mike F

    I think that was Michelle Obamas’ little sister!

  10. Xray

    Atlanta’s MARTA - Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta

  11. Steve in NC

    Is it breeding? We need to start sterilizing feral humans.

  12. Mike Mose

    This is the culture of Urban schools and churches. These are the kids that look up to the gangstas.

    Thank Kennedy, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, Durbin, Reid and Pelosi for all the successes of the urban schools and religion experience.

    Liberals have unleashed foolishness beyond belief. FFB

  13. TO (typical white person)

    Can’t wait until she is on the next BHO video.

  14. Gary in Midwest

    Just another reason I don’t do mass transit!

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    im glad i dont even live by mass transit. i drive my truck wherever i need to go and i choose who gets to sit beside in my passenger seat. crazy little bitch. i dont hit females but man i might have socked her in the face just so she would shut up and leave that old lady alone

  16. sal

    where’s a tazer when you need one!

  17. Mike from The Republic of Texas

    This is why I don’t ride MARTA anymore or allow my girlfriend to…. and I’m black.

  18. Barb

    Very wise, Mike from The Republic of Texas. You’re a gentleman.

  19. PhilNBlanx

    Expecting Barack (redacted) Obamma to come along and throw granny under the train in the next clip…

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