Drool Brittania: Huge Rise In Arrests Of Binge-Drinking Women

May 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Hope this had nothing to do with the Conservative sweep yesterday. And I wonder if things are the same here? Not like there’s anything going on in our culture that would indicate that.

Agencie France Presse:

The number of British women arrested for drunk and disorderly behaviour has soared over the last five years, with some regions reporting a 1,000 percent rise in offences, a report said Friday.

The problem of women drunks is particularly bad in the West Midlands, where arrests increased by 1,138 percent from 59 arrests in 2003/2004 to 731 in 2007/2008, according to police figures collected by Channel 4 News

Offences were also on the rise in Gwent, which saw a 578 percent increase in arrests — from 28 to 190 over the same five-year period.

Other parts of the country that witnessed a huge rise in the number of arrests, including Leicestershire (up 450 percent), Cheshire (up 135 percent), West Yorkshire (up 82 percent) and Essex (82 percent).

The figures are based on data from 38 of the 52 police constabularies, and the number of female drink-related arrests fell or stayed the same in just 15 regions.

Northumbria Police — where arrests of drunk women rose 48 percent from 1,414 to 2,101 — said more action is needed to tackle the problem of under age drinking and disorderly behaviour.

“That may well include rigorous action on the price of alcohol, a ban on advertising, increased education and advertising around the harm it can do, external regulation or even taking a uniquely harmful substance out of the normal retail chain,” said Chief Constable Mike Craik.

Don Shenker, chief executive of Alcohol Concern, told Channel 4: “There’s no doubt that the number of women binge-drinking has gone up — they are following the example of young men.”

He added that drinks are still being sold too cheaply. “The trouble is that women’s bodies cannot handle these large amounts of alcohol.”

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9 Responses

  1. NickD

    If they all looked like that, I’d renew my passport and move to the UK this weekend. :beer: :smile:

    Have another one, sweetie. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  2. brovato

    shit…where is my fucken passport. hurry,hurry where is it. i know its here somewhere. gotta find itttttttt. meanwhile keep drinking ladies, i’ll find that passPORT :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  3. GregGS

    I guess girls just wana have fun??? :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  4. A. S. Wise- VA (Republican Space Ranger)

    I can tell you, you need not look farther than your average public university, for party chicks like that. :cool: Besides, those don’t look like Brit chicks, they look like Americans on Spring Break; probably in Florida!

    What did anyone expect from a culture that glorifies the permissive skankiness of Paris Hilton, and ignores the “good girl” as a role model?

    Don’t get me wrong, I like hotties (what hetero male doesn’t?), but I like those that exercise some sort of restraint, too. Stability is big factor in my relationships, particularly as I get older.

  5. franchie

    these girls are of the 10 % of the nice looking ones, though if they keep the habit of drinking, then in ten years they’ll rejoin the other 90 % of the typical Brit look :twisted:

  6. CBL

    Woohooo Jamaica this year and GB next year, drunk women for everyone :twisted:

  7. KBoomr113

    I live right next to The Ohio State University, and I do quite well for myself pretty much every weekend that I try. Things are much the same here, just got to know where to go. If you go by these people’s standards on binge drinking with a Sunday-Saturday timeframe, I’m an alcoholic by Monday.

  8. BradW (the Infidel)

    I am with the other guys, I am heading to UK!!!

  9. allahlovesporkchops

    :beer: A. S. Wise- VA (Republican Space Ranger)
    Unfortunately, self restraint and a sense of responsibility don’t seem to be factors when it comes to peer pressure.

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