Dude With Freaky Awesome Guns!

May 24th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.

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18 Responses

  1. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    Go ahead…. Try and convince me this guy is NOT on steroids..

  2. littlefox

    That is called: ADDICTED TO MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    when this guy isnt at the gym he is at home jerking off in front of a mirror

  4. jake off

    but kurt……..when you spank it that way, you just turn on the water and there is no mess to clean up!!

  5. Right_is_Right

    Mine are bigger… :mrgreen:

  6. T-Bagg

    I’m still pretty sure I could take him. :cool:

  7. Kevin M

    I could beat his IQ in two moves on a Scrabble board!

    [not that I think that wil impress anybody here, but still…]

  8. littlefox

    :arrow: Mr.
    Sorry I said that…who am I to throw the first stone?
    I am addicted to chemicals. I think it is the human condition to be addicted to something. God put a longing for Himself in the heart ofhttp://patdollard.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif
    :smile: every human creature and we always try to fill it with whatever “the world” is selling.
    I read!
    One of my favorite books is “Addiction and Grace” By:May MD
    I can testify to knowing Grace, as in ABSOLUTE MIRACLE.

  9. littlefox

    I have NO idea why that stuff is in the middle above :shock:

  10. Bill

    i dont care if he is on steroids, its his body and he can do what he wants with it just like people choose to smoke a cig

  11. littlefox

    Since I am in confession mode…I WAS going to vote for r. paul…I don’t think he has a chance now. Eliminate the IRS and legalize weed…might just be utopia…
    No,no utopia on this planet. Sorry John, but I just can’t “Imagine”.

    :arrow: Helloooooo hellooooooooooooisthereanybodyoutthere?
    Is there anyone at home???
    Why would it be so bad to bring the troops home? (I know it will take two plus years) Can they not protect us from home?

  12. Goose

    It would be so bad because Iraq cant look after itself, and probably either turn into another civil war, or another Gaza.

    I dont think this guy is on Steroids, you dont have to be these days, you get all these legal supplaments that can give almost the same effect. He wouldnt be allowed to enter cometitions if he was on them.

    As for IQ, i wouldnt be sure he’s the village idiot, exercising is actually the catalist for creating new brain cells, albeit empty ones. So he should have a capacity to hold alot of knowledge, more then your average person.

  13. BaghdadAviator

    Who says Blackwater’s guys aren’t juicing?

  14. Indy

    Those aren’t steroids. That’s an oil bodybuilders inject into their muscles to look bigger. It’s extremely fucking dangerous to do it.

    And steroids don’t make you bigger. Sorry, reality time, they don’t. Steroids help you heal much faster, so you can workout more frequently. That’s what actually makes you larger. People seem to be under this illusion that any of them could be Barry Bonds if they just popped roids. It’s just not true, and not how ‘roids actually work. You have to take the roids, and then train like a madman, to see any benefit from them.

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    Ron Paul and no IRS + legalized marijuana = Utopia?

    and how would the military protect us from home? you want to wait until the jihadists are already here then put the military out on American streets. i dont get how our military could protect us from here

    was that post a joke? sure sounded like one.

    must have found this site by pushing the ‘I feel lucky button’ on a google search and PatDollard.com showed up.

  16. Sethimus

    Results typical of a POWERTHIRST Addict :razz:

  17. JJIrons

    We could put this guy to good use by having him choke Bin Laden to death right before our eyes. That would be cool.

  18. PeterB

    Nice muscles I suppose, but can he do anything other than flex them? It’s not the size that counts here.

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