Firefighter Dies In Twister While Saving Lives

May 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


21 year old leaves behind a pregnant fiancee and 2 year old. He is credited with saving lives just before the Category EF-4 twister…

21 year-old Tyler Casey, a volunteer Seneca area firefighter, was called out to go storm spotting with other firefighters in Newton County on Saturday evening.

Casey was spotting near the intersection of Highway 43 and Iris Road. Some spotters say Casey may have been the first spotter in Newton County to see, and relay, his report of a large tornado headed east-southeast.

At this point, the tornado was an EF-4 tornado.

He then left his vehicle and began knocking on doors and alerting families living in the area.

Watch the Fox News report…


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3 Responses

  1. mindy abraham

    :sad: How awful. I love firefighers, they are the only profession, other than the military and maybe police work, which occasionally demands such a sacrifice.

  2. Jeanet

    :arrow: mindy

    I had the sad experience to watch a fire last friday where 3 volunteer fire-fighters were killed.

    I got stuck with my car, couldn’t turn at the road cause all kinds of idiots came, filming the fire with their mobile phones. (I almost hung a journalist with his feet up in an oak-tree. :evil: )

    Saw the fire-engine come and 4 fire-fighters went inside. Only one came out :sad: . They retrieved the bodys of their dead colleages some 45 minutes later.

    I wanted to get away from that place but got stuck for another 30 minutes after that. I had a horrible weekend, I can tell you.

  3. Firebad

    There were 3,245 civilians that lost their lives as the result of fire.
    There were 16,400 civilian injuries that occurred as the result of fire.
    There were 106 firefighters killed while on duty.
    Fire killed more Americans than all natural disasters combined.
    81 percent of all civilian fire deaths occurred in residences.
    1.6 million fires were reported. Many others went unreported, causing additional injuries and property loss.
    Direct property loss due to fires was estimated at $11.3 billion.
    An estimated 31,000 intentionally set structure fires resulted in 305 civilian deaths.
    Intentionally set structure fires resulted in an estimated $755 million in property damage.

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