Firefighters Being Fired For Not Speaking Spanish

May 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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8 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    About ten years ago here in Philadelphia a non-English speaker says she tried to tell the fireman that there was an infant inside. The insensitive white firemen thought she was just hysterical. Turns out an aunt, you know everybody’s everybody’s cousin had kidnapped the infant and raised her in South Jersey. Long story short, after ten years she still didn’t speak English and wants to sue the city for negligence. Don’t know what the outcome of the trial was.

  2. Egfrow

    Shouldn’t they get fired for not speaking English, the language of our nation and culture? I spent 7 years in Central and South America and learned fluent Spanish. The thing is, I was in a foreign country and not even a citizen. So, I learned.

    When I’m here in the USA, I refuse to speak Spanish to Latino immigrants unless they are trying to communicate in English first, and need help. Whens someone asks me something in Spanish here, I give them a dumb look. Que? I learned their language as a guest, they should be able to at least make an effort.

  3. Firebad

    John what i was told by a guy from the NE is that the outcome of that trial was that philly FD has to have a translator on every rig now. wanna talk about a waste of tax dollars, if they don’t have a Firefighter who speaks spanish they have to have a civilian who can translate for them.

    As for the safety issue about no hablo. Yes it is true it could be a major safety issue. but why not require english to work? Becuase that would make sense duh!

  4. ssgduke54


  5. John Cunningham

    Firebad, yes, that came about around the time of the fire. There is another trial when the daughter was returned. The fire was about ten years ago, the trial where she wants to sue was just a couple of years ago.

  6. SOC

    Laws need to be enacted and enforced which require all races
    wanting to make their home here to speak English. Why do we have to accommodate them. They are coming here to benefit their own selves by being part of our society.Why do Americans always have to put up with this treatment of unfairness where foreigners are concerned. Sick and tired of being taken advantage of by our own laws used against us. Change the law…

  7. Rob

    Because the Libs have decided that it’s rude to force Immigrants to learn our language. Instead we should learn their language, even if they’re staying here :shock: .

  8. Hmmm

    Hmm, According to the report, there is an “urgent need for firefighters” I wonder if they should just allow the fires to burn until enough English speaking applicants apply?

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