Flashback: 2006 McCain Rips Hussein A New One Over Slimy, Deceitful, Spineless Dealings With Him

May 15th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


A reporter remarked on the incident: “I’ve never seen anything like this.” Get ready for more, America. Obama is one of those old school lie and smile hucksters. Final irony: there is no retreat from politics as usual with Hussein. He is the embodiment of it. He knows he’s just another sociopathic pol, so his disguise is to smile a lot and swear he’s not, while promising the moon and telling people only what they want to hear. And the youngest, most inexperienced and therefor the most vulnerable of us all, are of course his prime consitiuency outside of blacks who are voting based on racism, not merits.

The letter itself is as nasty and acerbic as it gets, and reverberates so strongly because it’s not a rant. Read closely, without using the words, McCain in the strongest and clearest of terms possible, flat out calls him an expedient sleazeball. Read it. There’s no way around it. He is flatly calling him nothing less than a sleazeball.

Yid With Lid:

February 6, 2006

The Honorable Barack Obama
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Obama:

I would like to apologize to you for assuming that your private assurances to me regarding your desire to cooperate in our efforts to negotiate bipartisan lobbying reform legislation were sincere. When you approached me and insisted that despite your leadership’s preference to use the issue to gain a political advantage in the 2006 elections, you were personally committed to achieving a result that would reflect credit on the entire Senate and offer the country a better example of political leadership, I concluded your professed concern for the institution and the public interest was genuine and admirable. Thank you for disabusing me of such notions with your letter to me dated February 2, 2006, which explained your decision to withdraw from our bipartisan discussions. I’m embarrassed to admit that after all these years in politics I failed to interpret your previous assurances as typical rhetorical gloss routinely used in politics to make self-interested partisan posturing appear more noble. Again, sorry for the confusion, but please be assured I won’t make the same mistake again.

As you know, the Majority Leader has asked Chairman Collins to hold hearings and mark up a bill for floor consideration in early March. I fully support such timely action and I am confident that, together with Senator Lieberman, the Committee on Governmental Affairs will report out a meaningful, bipartisan bill.

You commented in your letter about my “interest in creating a task force to further study” this issue, as if to suggest I support delaying the consideration of much-needed reforms rather than allowing the committees of jurisdiction to hold hearings on the matter. Nothing could be further from the truth. The timely findings of a bipartisan working group could be very helpful to the committee in formulating legislation that will be reported to the full Senate. Since you are new to the Senate, you may not be aware of the fact that I have always supported fully the regular committee and legislative process in the Senate, and routinely urge Committee Chairmen to hold hearings on important issues. In fact, I urged Senator Collins to schedule a hearing upon the Senate’s return in January.

Furthermore, I have consistently maintained that any lobbying reform proposal be bipartisan. The bill Senators Joe Lieberman and Bill Nelson and I have introduced is evidence of that commitment as is my insistence that members of both parties be included in meetings to develop the legislation that will ultimately be considered on the Senate floor. As I explained in a recent letter to Senator Reid, and have publicly said many times, the American people do not see this as just a Republican problem or just a Democratic problem. They see it as yet another run-of-the-mill Washington scandal, and they expect it will generate just another round of partisan gamesmanship and posturing. Senator Lieberman and I, and many other members of this body, hope to exceed the public’s low expectations. We view this as an opportunity to bring transparency and accountability to the Congress, and, most importantly, to show the public that both parties will work together to address our failings.

As I noted, I initially believed you shared that goal. But I understand how important the opportunity to lead your party’s effort to exploit this issue must seem to a freshman Senator, and I hold no hard feelings over your earlier disingenuousness. Again, I have been around long enough to appreciate that in politics the public interest isn’t always a priority for every one of us. Good luck to you, Senator.


John McCain
United States Senate

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16 Responses

  1. sully

    “….flat out calls him an expedient sleazeball.”

    Yep. Hands him his ass.

  2. RJ


    how the fuck you like me now!!

  3. Boo Boo

    Flat out called him a liar and manipulator. Oops. I think there are going to be fireworks this fall. :smile:

  4. Lock and Load

    Let’s hope and pray that McCain carries this kick-ass attitude into the election - some of the statements he has been making lately about “playing nice” during the election are not filling me with a lot of confidence :roll: Media Lizzy, I need some of that McCain koolaid you been drinkin’ :wink:

  5. Arthuraria

    amusing how the msm hasn’t asked obama about this throughout the entire campaign

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    wow ripped him a new asshole to be sure. it was just a letter that ripped him a new from start to finish.

  7. just posting

    very nice, he needs to be this sharp in the fall.

  8. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    Get him, John!

  9. Mark

    :arrow: Lock and Load

    Yeah, the whole idea of McCain wanting to play nice makes me sick. Look, Hillary played dirty with Wright and Ayers, and it gave her a huge boost (a little too late though). McCain needs to lay down the law, kick ass, and take no prisoners, and he will easily expose hussein and win this thing.

  10. Walt

    I’ve heard some of McCain’s “talk nice” comments. I interpret it as he will not use personal attacks but that leaves him open to attack Obama on issues, programs, and his record in the Senate. I think he, like many of us, are sick of hearing about Rev Wright.

    This letter is indicative of how he can fight Senator to Senator and not get personal. We shall see.

  11. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    Not a happy camper with Sidney as the GOP nominee and for a few weeks I seriously considered staying home and drinking beer on election day.

    However, my bodily functions tell me that I should reconsider. Every-time I think of Hussein :evil: or Hildabeast :twisted: as the POTUS I get both a “nervous” stomach and bowels and have to run to the toilet and unload. Both of those shit producer’s cause me great concern about the safety and security of this great country.

    Now if you will excuse me, I have to go shit.

    :gun: :twisted: :gun: :evil:

  12. infidel

    Look at the confusion this guy causes all over the place. (Typical sociopath)

    Yesterday Obama issued a response to President Bush’s comments that was easily demostrated to be false. But that didn’t stop Obama from denying it. (fearless liar)

    Also, taking Bush’s words as a personal attack, which sent out the MSM spewing anger and hostility, calling it a “thinly veiled” attack? Brit Hume and Mort Kondrake got into it bigtime, that’s something I haven’t seen before. (number 1 rule for dealing w/a sociopath: don’t cross him!)

    If this is an example of the manipulation that Obama is capable of, IMO it’s a little frightening.

  13. John Cunningham

    That’s the problem with older people, they’ve been around the block a few times.

  14. brovato

    Watch out hussein, there’s something in the sky watching you and it carries heavy metal—BOO :evil:

  15. ito

    This brings to mind that video from www.theonion.com in which John McCain “suggests” that he and Obama be dropped in the jungle naked instead of debates. :lol:

  16. Kentucky Jim

    Here’s hoping age and cunning will once again triumph over youth and skill…well, at least youth.

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