Cool: Chinook Picks Up Special Forces & Prisoners In Afghanistan

May 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This is the best Chinook footage I have seen in a long, long time. The whole video is very cool. Several things to note, including the rear rotor’s proximity to the ground (yowza), and take special note of the prizes we have. Every now and again you’ll spot some prisoners…high value no doubt.

Damn, this made my morning…

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16 Responses

  1. steve m

    Precision work! :beer: :beer:

  2. Phil N Blanx

    Fine vid. Best trained armed forces in the world.

  3. Marc

    This level of courage exhibited on a daily basis is the kind of stuff Pelosi & Reid will try to defeat and defund at every turn.

    Quiet professionals, god speed & god bless them all.

  4. TedB

    Those pilots are studs.

  5. John G

    Those people are not paid enough.

  6. still a neocon

    Maybe the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not breaking our military… maybe our military is now better trained and ready to fight after years of real experience… the left never seems to consider this idea.

  7. sam, LA

    beautiful, makes one truly proud

  8. Kim

    SOARing anyone?

  9. Professor Bill

    Watching a video like that gives me chills.

  10. will

    they look like seals, i can bet money on that lol. damn thats dangerous all it takes is just one updraft of wind to make those rotors cut them to pieces.. i wonder why they didnt find flat ground and land? its faster, safer

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Anyone who has worked with Chi-hooks, knows how good that aircraft and its pilots are. The Chi-hook is an iron horse of a machine.

    Tioatally awesome…Did anyone expect less?

  12. Center Line

    Aweosme video; awesome special forces and an awesome pilot.

  13. martymar

    definately seals, chopper pilots probably 160th. Nobody flies like those guys. Cheers mate. :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun:

  14. Professor Bill

    As a follow up, occassionaly I’ll let my 7 y/o son watch very select videos from Pat’s site and this is one of them. He’s says he wants to be just like those guys. I explain to him what the special forces do and he just marvels at them and thinks their so cool. Around our house Barry Bonds and his ilke are not very well respected, but our soldiers, thats a completely different story. He loves playing sports, but thankfully doesn’t really care to watch that much of it.

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah that was awesome! they never cease to amaze me. never

  16. Alex O

    Looks like afganistan and those helmets do remind me of ones I’ve seen seals wearing before so I have to agree it was the seals

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