From The Files Of WTF: Pelosi Credits Iran’s “Goodwill” For Surge Success

May 29th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


This woman puts new meaning to “Fuckin Idiot” …

by Abe Greenwald - Commentary Magazine:

In an interview yesterday with the San Francisco Chronicle, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi claimed the U.S. troop surge failed to accomplish its goal. She then partially credited the success of the troop surge to “the goodwill of the Iranians,” claiming that they were responsible for ending violence in the southern city of Basra.

Asked if she saw any evidence of the surge’s positive impact on her May 17 trip to Iraq she responded:

Well, the purpose of the surge was to provide a secure space, a time for the political change to occur to accomplish the reconciliation. That didn’t happen. Whatever the military success, and progress that may have been made, the surge didn’t accomplish its goal. And some of the success of the surge is that the goodwill of the Iranians-they decided in Basra when the fighting would end, they negotiated that cessation of hostilities-the Iranians.

This is an inexcusable slander. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki brought the Sadrists militias to their knees in a month-long battle that enabled Iraq’s largest Sunni bloc to rejoin the government. Furthermore, when Pelosi met with Prime Minister al-Maliki in Mosul she sang quite a different tune. She had “welcomed Iraq’s progress in passing a budget as well as oil legislation, and a bill paving the way for the provincial elections in the fall that are expected to more equitably redistribute power among local officials,” and stated, “We’re assured the elections will happen here, they will be transparent, they will be inclusive and they will take Iraq closer to the reconciliation we all want it to have.”

Discounting the success of the American military, denying the accomplishments of U.S. allies, and giving the credit to our most dangerous enemies seems like an especially productive week for a Democrat on Capitol Hill. After Nancy Pelosi’s post-Iraq hat trick, there’s really no need for Barack Obama to make this trip after all.

The full SF Chronicle interview audio available here …

So … according to Nancy Pelosi:

Fuck you U.S. Generals and Commanders … Fuck You U.S. military … Fuck You international coalition forces …

And above all … FUCK YOU Iraqi Army and Iraqi citizens.

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36 Responses

  1. Rob

    wow so she’s finally coming out in the open about her being payed off my Allahmanawhatsit . I say bring on the treason charges. :gun:

  2. el Vaquero

    Example # 1 of the need to hang the D traitors like Pewloser!

  3. sully

    They’ve ALWAYS had a vested interest in defeat in IRAQ.
    Now they’re reduced to incoherent babbling to make it ‘appear’ as though success has not occurred but IF IT HAS it was because of the gracious enemy.
    D’oh…. they’re Dhimmis and she’s the Red Queen.

  4. Irish Gal

    You know, those that voted for her, deserve her…

  5. steve m

    dumbass bitch. “twat? twat?, I cunt hear you, I have an ear in-fuck-shun”…

    Full and complete psyhco case in utter denial

  6. Lftbhndagn


    This cunt supports the troops - -

    And the Pope converted to Judaism..

    WTF is WRONG with this bitch? Does she realize she just legitimized Iran’s actions in killing American forces in Iraq?

  7. Boo Boo

    Someone tell me why people like her are left to roam the earth, spreading their idiocy, and other good, honorable, innocent people, are left to meet horrible fates: like those poor Chinese kids in the earthquake, or those poor people in Burma with the typhoon. Life sure isn’t fair.

  8. SOC

    Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace to the American People

  9. TO (twp)

    Regardless of any details you always root for your home team. Period. Liberals ALWAYS root for the enemy of the USA. They are 100% consistent.

  10. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    The next Botox needle the woman has inserted into her face really does need to by-pass the wrinkles … and go straight for lobotomy …

  11. tedders

    She must be on mushrooms!!

  12. Kurt(the infidel)

    I call for treason charges against the whole damn lot of them! cant believe this is our congress. made up of American haters that are supposed to be representing us? HA! if these people listened to me for once and took my opinion on something and actually did it, they would go hang themselves because thats what traitors get.

  13. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    Michael Savage says liberalism is a mental disorder. He called that one right!!!Pelosi has no grip on reality.

  14. jam

    Kudos for the ET visual.

    What gives me the creeps is this crazy bitch is 3rd in line for the Presidency. Sleeping well? Not so much.

  15. Q_Mech

    My jaw is on the floor. I didn’t think that idiot still had the capacity to surprise any more.

    “The US didn’t win the surge. The Iranians did.”

    Wow. Just fucking WOW. :shock:

  16. bill-tb

    Comrade Pelosi is reliving the 80s where she could say something and the drive-by parrots would make it so.

    Here is an article of what is really going on in Iraq … Note the Iranian goodwill in the last paragraph of the referenced article.

  17. scREDneck

    She’s a waste of human sperm!

  18. deathstar

    Fucking traitor, lesbo, san francisco, un-American cunt eating, shit eating, liar.

    The goals of the surge (including the vast majority of the political objectives) have been met despite the attempts by Iran to destabilize Iraq more.

  19. deathstar

    Shoot, fuck the exit wounds, crush the skull, rip off the head, shit in the lungs.

  20. Steve in NC

    Seriously, no bullshit, when does the revolution start?

    I want to see here corpse bleeding out on the steps of the
    US Capital.

  21. Mike W

    Someone want to send Madame Speaker this:
    STOCKHOLM (AFP) - World leaders, including UN chief Ban Ki-moon and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, on Thursday hailed Baghdad’s progress in combatting violence and stabilising Iraq.

    A declaration adopted by 100 delegations at a Stockholm conference said the participants “recognised the important efforts made by the (Iraqi) government to improve security and public order and combat terrorism and sectarian violence across Iraq.”

  22. Mike Mose

    The Iraqi people and their president needs to show how much they appreciate the GOP only, a speech on capital hill riping the traitorous democrats would do wonders at about election time.

  23. John D

    i think hussain found his vp.

  24. Dan (The Infidel)

    Her statement is contradictory and utterly without any semblence of reason. She’s completely off her botox rocker.

    I’ve said before that either she is on some sort of psychiatric drug or she’s simply a small girl in an old broad’s body. She has a 12-yr old’s brain.

    I’m still betting she’s under a shrink’s care. She’s taking some sort of drug to keep her from falling apart. Hence, she’s a dysfunctional old bat. It’s only a matter of time before she breaks down and shows the world that her words match her true mental condition.

  25. Dan (The Infidel)

    A bewtter assesment from someone not on psychotropic drugs; the incomporable VDH:

  26. Specter

    Fucking ignorant bitch needs to be ended.

  27. RC

    The Democrat party is a harem for madmen and tyrants around the globe.

    This is more than pure ignorance, I bet Pelosi comes at the thought of rogue leaders flirting with her botox ass, and that her dildos are made in Iran too..

  28. mindy abraham

    i want her to go to walter reed and say that to the patients there…. we’ll see what happens :evil: :twisted:

  29. Jeff

    She really is amazingly dumb. That doesn’t happen by accident, she had to work to get that stupid.

  30. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Pelosi is a disgrace to the nation and to all the fine people who have Italian surnames. She disgraces them.
    Where is my cousin Vinny when you need him?

  31. sully

    And *nothing* on the news tonight about this POS treason

  32. Boo Boo

    How can she be two heart beats away from being President? How can that happen? How stupid are people in San Francisco? Really, I wonder if San Francisco would be the same if 9/11 had happened there. Would it have changed any minds?

  33. Boo Boo

    That VDH article is brilliant–he’s brilliant. Good perspective. What a contrast between him and Peloski. Polar opposites in terms of intellectual prowess.

  34. sully

    “I wonder if San Francisco would be the same if 9/11 had happened there. Would it have changed any minds?”

    Why yes it would have!! Instead of sittin around on their ass they’d be wandering the Hindu Kush actively searching for their new master bearing gifts of female children.

  35. mark tanberg

    She represents a huge portion of the thinking in this country today and I think we can all agree that our nation is experiencing an escape from reason. God save us.

  36. Bob USMC

    god help us should the dems get full control of Washington. Pelosi should be shot for treason. :evil:

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