Gathering of Eagles Needs Your Help In Confronting Accusers Of Our Troops - Stop the Treasonous Pukes

May 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


UPDATE: I just heard from Howie and they said that they need more signatures for the petition, if you haven’t signed it yet, please do so…

The group Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), the group of fake and treasonous pukes that brought you Winter Soldier II recently, is planning on presenting information to the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) next week, along the lines of accusing our brave men and women in uniform over in Iraq and Afghanistan of war crimes.

Accusing Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Guardsmen of heinous crimes like rape, torture, and murder.

It is believed that many of the stories told by the “members” of the IVAW are fictionalized tales, plain and simple, pure bullshit. They are running around spouting off horrendous accusations with no proof, and they need to be held accountable.

These IVAW pukes are the idiots that “seized” the National Archives Building.

These are the pukes who, when confronted about their service, and asked for proof, back off like the lying sacks of shit they are.

These are the pukes that made this piece of trash video.

These are the little pukes that gave testimony like this, but couldn’t verify it, or show any proof whatsoever.

Enough of the pukes, I could go on all day with the treasonous lying shit they’ve pulled…

Most of you are familiar with the group Gathering of Eagles (GOE), these are patriotic, upstanding people, veterans and supporters of our Armed Forces who have been on the front lines of the War at Home. GOE stood up to, and shamed the hell out of, home grown insurgent groups like Code Pink and A.N.S.W.E.R. recently in places like New Jersey, and Berkeley.

They need our help.

They want to make sure that these IVAW pukes can back up, with proof the despicable things they are claiming.

This really pisses me off…please go sign the petition.

Here is the letter from Coby Dillard, assistant Director of GOE:

For those who haven’t heard, IVAW will be presenting materials from their Winter Soldier investigation to the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) next Thursday.

I’ve created another petition here asking the CPC to verify any info that IVAW brings to them. This petition reads about the same as the petition that was circulated for the Senate Armed Services Committee. The CPC is more of an ad-hoc group than any sort of official committee, but since we’ve been out in front of IVAW on this, we should probably stay there.

Please circulate this petition among your mailing lists. I’ll be doing a post on some other sites, and a couple of friendly bloggers have agreed to do a short blurb on their sites as well.

A plan for delivery of the petitions is in the works. As of yesterday, we had 950 signatures on the original petition to the SASC; hopefully we can meet/exceed that this time around.


Coby W. Dillard
Assistant to the Director
Gathering of Eagles
202.236.2767 (cell)

Bash here, again, below is a copy of the petition we need you to go sign:

To The Honorable Members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus,

During the Democratic presidential debate between Senators Clinton and Obama televised on the evening of February 21st, Senator Obama spoke of information passed on to him by an officer in the United States Army about our forces in Afghanistan suffering from a shortage of equipment and weapons. The very next day, a member and former Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, Senator Warner, sent a letter to Senator Obama, asking for information about these charges. Senator Warner wrote:

"…I, and I believe other members of SASC, have a responsibility to establish where in the military chain of command rests the ‘accountability,’ depending of course, on the accuracy of the facts…What I need from you are the essential facts of when- the dates- the unit was deployed, to which brigade combat team, or other unit it was assigned, the name and current location of the captain, or other military personnel who shared the alleged facts with you, so that committee staff can debrief them."

Senator Warner was, as should be the case, taking the oversight responsibility of the members of the SASC seriously.

In March 2008, the anti-war organization Iraq Veterans Against the War held an event entitled �Winter Soldier-Iraq and Afghanistan� at the National Labor College in Silver Spring, MD. The event was self-consciously patterned after the 1971 Winter Soldier Investigation held in Detroit by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War(VVAW). During that event, over one hundred purported Vietnam veterans "testified" to widespread and horrific atrocities committed routinely by American forces in Vietnam.

In April of 1971, Senator Mark Hatfield moved that the entire WSI "testimony" be entered into the Congressional Record, while also calling for the relevant investigatory agencies in the military to investigate the charges made. None of that "testimony" had been given under oath or in legally binding depositions or affidavits. Later that same month, Senator William Fulbright’s Foreign Relations Committee held hearings, well publicized on television, in which young war hero and VVAW leader John Kerry testified to the widespread atrocity "findings" of that WSI.

When military investigators for both the Army and Navy attempted to investigate the charges, those who had "testified" and could be located were almost universally uncooperative with those investigations. They would not give names, dates, units or details of events that would allow investigation to proceed. There is no record that the Foreign Relations Committee or any committee of the Senate ever held hearings to receive those follow-up reports. As such, the general theme of the 1971 WSI of widespread atrocities committed by American forces in Vietnam passed largely unchallenged into much of our culture. It has been a mainstay of the film industry for decades. It has harmed the image of American in general, and the honor of three million Vietnam Veterans in particular.

Various sources on the Internet and in print, including the IVAW, the VVAW and the Veterans for Peace as well as other organizations associated with them claimed that "testimony" given in March covered a variety of matters including widespread atrocities, indiscriminate and unwarranted killing of civilians and destruction of property and infrastructure, torture of detainees, mutilation of corpses and the illegal use of Afghan bodies for medical "practice", rampant sexual misconduct, racism and drug/alcohol use by American soldiers and on and on.

IVAW is now reporting that they will provide the results of their investigation to your caucus on May 15, 2008. We the undersigned request that the Congressional Progressive Caucus take the following steps:

* Make request of the Iraq Veterans Against the War that member(s) of the Caucus be provided video of the entire Winter Soldier Investigation "testimony" proceedings and be provided access to all those who testified,

*That the Caucus require any testimony given by IVAW be presented in the following format:
D: Date(s) - When did the incident occur?
U: Unit(s) - What military units were involved?
P: Personnel - What are the names of the participants and witnesses?
E: Event(s) - What exactly happened exactly where?
S: Signature(s) - Was this reported at the time or later and were reports, affidavits or depositions signed, or will they now be signed?

* That in the event that staff determines that there has been testimony given that touches on areas where, in the words of Senator Warner, the members of the SASC "have a responsibility to establish where in the military chain of command rests the ‘accountability,’ depending of course, on the accuracy of the facts…", the Caucus forward the information to the House Armed Services Committee (HASC),

* That the Caucus request and all documents and records, signed statements and recordings, audio, video or digital, that bear on the claims made and being investigated,

* That the Caucus demand that those making such claims or professing publicly to verify those claims be requested or subpoened to appear before the HASC under oath, to answer questions..

In 1971 the Senate of the United States was derelict in its duty of both oversight and follow-up and in the reasonable regard and respect it should have shown in consideration of the sacrifice and service of the American armed forces and veterans. We request that the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus not allow what happened to a previous generation of veterans be allowed to happen to another.

Please go sign this petition now.

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14 Responses

  1. Egfrow

    The CPC is a liberal Democratic invention and is Chaired by the likes of Kieth Ellison and other Radically Liberal Democrats. I see no point in giving any legitimacy to this farce meeting.

  2. Egfrow

    Here is the from the CPC describing their purpose. This CPC has no power but is designed for the Purpose of gaining media attention towards Liberal Progressive purposes. Giving this group legitimacy will give them credibility towards cutting funding for our troops.

    The link to their site is in the article.

  3. Eagle45

    :arrow: Egfrow…

    The way I’m reading this, it isn’t about lending legitimacy to the CPC, but calling the IVAW to account at every step.

    Needs to be done.

    :beer: :gun:

  4. Ramadi Vet

    :gun: Signed…

    and I agree with Eagle45.

  5. Howie

    Egfrow I disagree. I think that letting them go unchecked and unrefuted will give them more credibility. If the facts presented are just accepted as the truth after it gets repeated enough it starts to become the truth.

    IVAW must have the facts they present checked.

    Sign the petition and help us combat this arm of the liberal insurgency.

    John “Howie” Howell
    L/Cpl USMC
    1st LAR, 1st MARDIV

  6. Caligula

    the guys in the video look like hippie liberals, they don’t look like military at all

  7. Chandler (Typical face for radio Infidel)

    Roger that.

    I know I am surrounded by the greatest conservative minds on the blogosphere on this site but FYI… of the Vietnam Era Winter Soldier accusations of war crimes ALL were proven to be false or a non-issue. I would venture to guess that this time will be much of the same. Asking IVAW and CPC to validate their facts just streamlines shit.

  8. Q_Mech

    DUPES, eh? Beautiful. I’d sign more than once, but I don’t live in Chicago. Bummer.

  9. alexjensentx

    lol the fag @ 1:58 looks like Dwight Schrute from the office

  10. Howie

    Q_Mech I live in Chi town how many times do you want me to sign for you?

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    signed. these guys dont even look they could be military. some look like hippies and all look like pussies.

  12. John Cunningham

    These must be the “hippies in the foxholes” in Vietnam that he would have killed if he had gone to Viet Nam.

  13. John Cunningham

    Idiot I am, forgot the person that said that was Ted Nugent. “I would have killed all the hippies in the foxholes and would have killed everyone else.” I never ran into hippies in the foxholes, if they were there at least they were there not over her.

  14. Tom in CO

    Just signed! :mrgreen:

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