Ground Control To Maj. Tom

May 7th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Astronauts Wanted. Novices Welcome


It is a job offer that is out of this world and only for real high fliers, but there is expected to be a mountain of applications to join the rarefied ranks of space travellers.

The European Space Agency (ESA) is looking to hire four people with “The Right Stuff” to begin training as Astronauts.

ESA now has its own space lab attached to the International Space Station and needs to boost the number of qualified astronauts to service it.

The successful candidate will have a top level science background, preferably a pilot or engineer and probably have more than a passing knowledge of Russian.

Even before they get to the final interview, the would-be spacemen and women will have to pass a stiff aviation medical and aptitude tests for psychological and professional suitability.

For those with the desire and the qualifications to do it the rewards are immense; ESA predicts that the new Astro studenst could well get the chance to fly to the moon and spend months working high above the earth in the Columbus Space lab as well as joining one of the most exclusive clubs around.

One of the applicants eager to show what he can do is Kevin Fong.

The intensive care specialist from London has a string of qualifications, with degrees in Astro physics, medicine and Engineering - he has even spent months working at NASA in the US.

Kevin has wanted to be an Astronaut ever since he was four. He is now 36 and only just young enough to beat the age limit for trainees.

Kevin also has friends in high places, he even got a phone call from Space from an Astronaut flying high above Africa.

It will be the end of the year before the successful astronauts find out whether their life in a space suit is about to begin.

But there is a word of warning from the bosses at ESA.

An astronaut’s career is expected to last around 20 years, but they might only get into Space once or twice … it is a long time to wait for your trip to the stars, but what a view!


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5 Responses

  1. Jeff

    Good for the Europeans. Lots of luck applying though, only 4 spots available?

    Drill, that second pic is disturbing. Apparently, their medical exams are somewhat different than the NASA version, eh?

  2. franchie

    Jeff, yes, they measure the penis lengh, (none allowed under 16 inches),they inflate the tits, (style the last 1rst priced) in case they run out of carburent, so that the astronaut could still float and move in the space ; the last nonetheless, any candidate should have a “Beer Bauch” (beer belly)

  3. franchie

    16 = centimeters, of course

  4. Kevin M

    I still remember the T-shirts sold at the Division Bell tour I saw in Boston…

    Pink Floyd: Still First in Space

  5. Kim

    OK Drill, that picture creeps me out. Reminescent of Joe Dirt’s Buffalo Bill “It puts the lotion on its skin”

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