Video: Her Riveting Account Will Blow Your Mind, But The End Will Enrage You

May 1st, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Guess What Jamaal Turner is doing now?

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14 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    People like us want to protect people like her and teach them to protect themselves. How can we be losing this fight? Life in a “fallen world” is all I can figure.

  2. Gregory Donald Hiel

    Im wondering what held back the cops who arrested him, from allowing him to make it to court. They should have finished him the very field that Jamaal tried to finnish an inocent school teacher.

  3. ECM


    I’d say that a quick kill in some remote field isn’t good enough. This animal should have had the same things done to him that he did to her, repeatedly, for as long as we can keep him alive *and* coherent.

    The fact that there are people on this earth that think animals like this guy deserve more than an eye-for-an-eye is just as disturbing as what this guy did.

  4. Kentucky Jim

    I actually feel a little regret when I shoot a deer. If I had to shoot Jamaal…not so much. My daughter is going to get a carry permit.

  5. Typical White Texas Mom

    I was so touched by her . . .

    Anyhow above is a site where her father writes about this. Her father is a journalist.

    And this . . . this is the ASSHOLE:

  6. EDinTampa

    Everyone who cares deeply about their loved ones needs to teach the art of self defense and arm them with the proper equipment( :gun: )!

  7. IG.157

    A CCW or a few firearms stashed around the house could have made this situation avoidable…but that is one brave and tough girl

  8. Sandy

    He is a definite waste of skin. It is ashame he is sucking air so he can come out and do it again someday. His “inmate connection” profile is vile. :mad:
    He ends his paragraph with: One. Yeah buddy, one - all you require is one bullet. :gun:

    She is an incredible survivor and I am glad she had assistance from someone who would know right away the nature of her injuries and how to help her, a soldier. It is a miracle she survivied at all.

  9. alexjensentx

    Jamaal Turner #1117268
    Beto Unit 1
    P.O. Box 128
    Tennessee Colony, TX 75880

    Calling all Dollardites,
    why not write the asshole a letter. Take your time, he’s not going anywhere.

  10. Steve in NC

    The police in this country are given mops and paperwork, they are no longer allowed to intimidate by presence. ie in Charlotte an officer is not allowed to wear gloves because it is in intimidating.
    So do not plan on the police deterring this kind of crime, the savages do not fear them anymore.

    Learn to kill to defend yourself and family. There are feral humans among us.

  11. TJ (The Kafir)

    amazing thing is they caught him when he came back to the scene of the crime to show his friends. :twisted:

  12. SOC

    Where is the justice. Where are her relatives and what are they doing about this. Total insanity

  13. Vehement

    I’m surprised a state like Texas allows this. I wonder what the courts would say if this was challenged. I can’t understand why people think these monsters deserve this priveledge, or any other. I’m so sick of this kind of shit. When and how did this country become so weak?

  14. Giorgi

    i was trying to prove to my friend that self protection is the wa to go, police..i dont knwo about the police, they are always too late, this woman if she had a gun, she would have got to that door with it and squeezed couple of rounds towards that piece of shit before he got to the door…i wonder why these so called liberals are against the right for self defence, liberal in its essence means a free person, independent, master of his own fait, all this anti-gun movement is nothig but subduction of people under the “protection” umbrella of the gov’ independent, shoot the motherfucker….back in a day when everybody was armed people thought twise about interfering with somebody elses well being, you draw blood and you shall bleed yourself, that was the morale if you wanna call it that way, keep to yourself and everything will be fine, and look out for your closest ones…fuck jamal, i hope hes raped everyday for the rest of his life, and this is nothign compared to the hell awaiting him in the afterlife..

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