Hillary Speeches Energize Some, Lull Others to Sleep
ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel looks at two opposite crowd reactions to recent Clinton speeches.
ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel looks at two opposite crowd reactions to recent Clinton speeches.
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Yeah, Hitlery was a trip at the hearings yesterday on Gen Petraeous and Gen Odierno’s nominations for new posts.
None of that willing suspension of disbelief shit. Just a whole lot of uhs and more um uhs. When she was done she looked all pissed off and got up and walked out to another hearing.
She looked completely frazzled. LOL. Dumb bitch. The rest of the Senate was kissing the General’s asses. More LOL.
Webb was a complete dick. Code Pinko was silent…just one prick with a small sign sitting way in the back behind Petreous next to a cop. More LOL.
Go back to Chicago Hitlery. You lost the argument against the Generals; and you lost the campaign against Obam-bam.
Bah-bye. Tell Bill we said hello.(middle finger extended).
May 23rd, 2008 at 3:12 am