Hillary’s Political Personality Disorder
Hillary Clinton adopts a new persona for every setting. She is alternately a lover, a fighter, a mocker, a whiner and a crier as she competes with Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination. Whatever it takes!
You know … I was as floored by her throwing down the “Bobby Kennedy Assassination” Card as anyone else … However, the media ranting on the damn thing is quite amazing in and of itself. They think they have found the last nail in Hillary’s political coffin. I think not …
Seems they forget Hussein’s own wife Heir Michelle brought up ‘assassination’ early on:
“I don’t lose sleep over it because the realities are that . . . as a black man . . . Barack can get shot going to the gas station,” Michelle Obama 60 Minutes (Feb. 2007)
BTW … I was NOT aware there was an epidemic of ‘blackmen getting shot at gas stations’ …