House Passes Two Bills That Totally Screw America

May 15th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Here you have it folks. First: The Dem’s in da House are suffering from BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) by ensuring NK keeps their nukes. Hussein if elected, will just talk NK out of them.

TWO: By passing a bill that states: Hey We don’t have enough immigrants here - We want Chinas too!!! We have an election coming ya know - We need all the Hussein votes we can get!!

WASHINGTON, May 15 - The House of Representatives on Thursday approved a bill obliging President George W. Bush to certify that North Korea is not providing nuclear weapons technology to Syria or Iran in the event of the removal of Pyongyang from the U.S. list of terror-sponsoring nations.

The measure, which must be passed by the Senate and signed by the president for enactment, could stand in the way of the Bush administration’s drive to denuclearize North Korea.

The bill is also intended to relax arms export controls and enable funds to be funneled to efforts to disband North Korea’s nuclear arsenal as exemptions to existing regulations that impose aid and trade sanctions on countries designated as non-nuclear states under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty if they conduct nuclear testing.

North Korea, which conducted a nuclear experiment in October 2006, is disabling its nuclear facilities in Yongbyon under a six-party deal struck last year in exchange for energy aid and diplomatic benefits.

The United States is anxious to see the six-way process make further strides and for North Korea’s denuclearization activities to be completed before Bush ends his second four-year term in January 2009.

Washington has said it will remove North Korea from the terror blacklist and exempt it from the Trading with the Enemy Act as the process of denuclearization moves forward.

Japan has urged the United States to refrain from taking North Korea off the terror blacklist until progress is made on the issue of Pyongyang’s kidnapping of Japanese nationals in the 1970s and 1980s. The issue has prevented Japan and North Korea from normalizing bilateral ties.

Also Thursday, the House approved a bill that would effectively press China to help resettle North Korean refugees in the United States in lieu of forcibly returning them to their country.

The bill is to revise the North Korean Human Rights Act, enacted in 2004 with the goal of improving human rights conditions in North Korea, including those in relation to the long-standing issue of Pyongyang’s kidnapping of Japanese nationals.

The bill makes no reference to China as one such foreign government but says China is “conducting an increasingly aggressive campaign to locate and forcibly return border-crossers to North Korea” ahead of the Beijing Olympics.

(AP - Kyodo)

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5 Responses

  1. RTLM

    These bills will go nicely with their Farm Bill. Other than this three steaming loafs of shit, they can be proud of their min wage increase.

    (Have they done anything else in 2 years?)

  2. Lock and Load

    I guess we should be happy that they haven’t accomplished much - everything that they do get passed is a complete no-win situation for US taxpayers, and further illustrates their contempt for America as we know it. God help us all if the Obamination is elected and has a dhimmicrat majority in both houses, where they can pass legislation without any substantial opposition… :gun: :cry:

  3. Boo Boo

    Yep, RTLM, that about sums it up. Are there any other voters out there paying attention?

  4. SOC

    The Democrats are fastly becoming as big of a enemy to the American public as most all the other Anti American pieces of dung President Bush has to deal with on a daily basis. God help us when he goes. And they do it with our money. Criminal

  5. Steady

    This Pelosi woman is a f*cking idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!

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