HOW NBC Pissed Off The White House BOTH VIDEOS

May 20th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Yesterday Bash was all over this controversy with the NBC interview of President George W. Bush … And the White House’s prompt reaction to it.

The selectively “edited” interview that they played for their loyal viewers.

Judge for yourself with BOTH versions below.

We ALL have taken strong note of how today’s MSM deliberately crafts (and even fabricates) the news for public consumption. Truth be told, the reality is a large segment of the public believe they can trust the news outlets they tune into.

For all the general public’s talk of not trusting the government … why would they trust the agenda-driven MSM … more?



Counselor to the President Ed Gillespie was on with radio talk show host Glenn Beck this morning to go over it all.

Here is a piece of that:

[ … ]

GILLESPIE: Well, what NBC did was we granted them an interview over in Egypt to talk about, you know, the peace process and Iran and other subjects and they raised this bogus notion that the President, in asserting U.S. policy in his speech to the Knesset which he said that our policy is to stand by Israel as a friend in the Middle East, our policy is to not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, our policy that we don’t negotiate with terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda and the Obama campaign said that was an attack on Barack Obama, which it was absolutely not. It was a statement of U.S. policy. Those are the President’s policies. They have been for a long time. And so when Angle asked the question, Angle, the reporter for NBC, asked the President that question, the President said, well, no, you got that — you know, you got that wrong; read the speech. And he said, you know — he started by saying, my policies haven’t changed, maybe the political calendar has, but read the speech; you got that wrong. And then went on to talk about Iran.

Well, NBC news cut, selectively edited out the part where he said, “Read the speech,” you didn’t get that exactly right is actually how the President put it. And in the edit they cut to a shot of Angle himself and then back to the President with the, you know, with the line about the, you know, what I actually said was about Iran, talking to Iran. And they made it look like he was affirming the premise of the question when, in fact, he had rejected explicitly the premise of the question and they masked the edit.


VOICE: Negotiating with Iran is pointless. And then you went further. You said that it was appeasement. Were you referring to Senator Barack Obama?

PRESIDENT BUSH: You know, my policies haven’t changed but evidently the political calendar has. And when, you know, a leader of Iran says that they want to destroy Israel, you’ve got to take those words seriously.

VOICE: A lot of Iran’s empowerment –


GLENN: Okay. Now, listen to what he actually said.


VOICE: You said that negotiating with Iran is pointless and then you went further. You said that it was appeasement. Were you referring to Senator Barack Obama? He certainly thought you were.

PRESIDENT BUSH: You know, my policies haven’t changed but evidently the political calendar has. People need to read the peach. You didn’t get it exactly right, either. What I said was, is that we need to take the words of people seriously and when, you know, a leader of Iran says that they want to destroy Israel, you’ve got to take those words seriously.


GLENN: Why would they do this?

GILLESPIE: Why would they do? I think it’s because they want to affirm the notion that anytime the President states a policy — and they will start with this one, that, you know, it’s our policy, like I said, to stand by Israel and not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, don’t negotiate with terrorists, that’s a policy apparently that someone disagrees with. The media will treat it and the Obama campaign will treat its an attack on an individual when it is absolutely not. When the President says raising taxes will harm the American economy, that’s not an attack on anyone, it’s not an attack on Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or others who disagree with that point of view. When the President says that we should be able to drill in an environmentally sensitive way in ANWR in the northern slope of Alaska to meet the demands for oil in this country domestically rather than relying on foreign sources of oil, those who disagree with that, that’s not an attack on them. And the notion that you can say, you know, that the, any campaign or the media can say that the President asserting his policies of this administration somehow translate into an attack on someone is a premise we’re just not going to accept.

[ … ]

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6 Responses

  1. sam

    cheap shots too, the same stupid liberal questions over and over,

    “Aren’t we losing?”
    “How long will you keep killing our troops?”

    why can’t they be more creative?
    come up with some new material next time you want to “grill” the president there richard

    nothing but a blatant appeal to their audience of bush-haters

    the liberals in this country have made up their mind that we lost and they are going to keep pressing till the bitter end, what an insult to our brave men and women of this country and everything they stand for..
    what cowards

  2. Corey Wayne

    Brian Engle, what a dick. It sucks to hold the most difficult job in the world and have to put up with pricks in the media like him. He shows the President absolutely no respect. That guy has no class at all. Another feminized little prick.

  3. T Double Dash

    He should have slapped that girly man of a reporter in the face and then kicked him in the throat. HA

  4. Old Sailor

    I voted for Bush twice and would do it again given the same candidates and circumstances, and I don’t like some of the things he has done in office, but you have to admire the man’s courage to just keep doing the right thing by Iraq and against terrorism in spite of the virulent opposition by the MSM media and the Liberal democrat party.

  5. Jeff

    I really do not like it when an interviewer tries to lead or coax a particular answer from the person being interviewed. In fact, I’m not happy with what journalism has become in regard to reporting news. I do not want opinion, I want the facts of the story in question. That’s ALL.

    This guy had an obvious agenda. What he doesn’t have, is any respect from me as an honorable journalist. More than once he asked questions similar to - when did you stop beating your wife? Bush had to backtrack several times to correct false assumptions before going on to answer whatever was left of the question. That reporter should be working for a tabloid, not a major news channel.

  6. jam

    Old Sailor, I agree with you completely. President Bush has a backbone of hardened steel. The same group of jackals that trash our military also trash the CIC, it’s what they do.

    I have faith that history will vindicate President Bush and his overall strategy. I hope he is still around to get the praise he deserves–and his paybacks.

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