How To Spot A Child Predator

May 30th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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5 Responses

  1. mike3481

    If I spotted one of the types the Moms in the Video described, I know exactly what I’d want to say to them (might be a movie line, I’m not sure)…”I’ve got a shovel, a bag of lime and a .45, no one I know will miss you”.

    Why isn’t child molestation, women beating, rape, kidnapping and any level of murder punishable by the death penalty and only the death penalty? (yeah I know, it’s a rhetorical question)

  2. Mark Tanberg

    Thing is most child molesters are related to the victim or are close family friends.

  3. Gecko

    1 in 4 girls, and 1 in 8 boys? I’m wondering about their sources; that seems high.

  4. The Angry Redneck

    Mike3481…There are several states that allow the death penalty for child molesters, as a matter of fact Louisiana has one currently on death row. The states that I know of are SC, OK, and LA, though I know my homestate of TX is trying to pass a 2 strike law that would give a mandatory death sentence to twice convicted child predators replacing the current life sentence. SC’s law is a 2 strike law that allows the death penalty for the second offense of child rape of a child under 11. These laws SHOULD be passed in ALL states and, more importantly, SHOULD BE ENFORCED TO THE FULLEST AND SWIFTEST.

    I also think that we should have a new form of death sentence for them…death by inmate. They should wear a different color jumpsuit and have a “I rape children” tattoo across their forehead, chest, abdomen, and ass…but that is just my personal opinion.

  5. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    i don’t care what the “experts” say about rehab, etc. someone crosses that line, all that should be waiting them is a rope, and short drop. and we’ll never have to worry about that person molesting another child ever again.
    but the gist of the story isn’t about punishment. it’s about keeping aware of the area. i’ve a 3 year old, and he’s never out of my sight, or area of control. go with your gut instinct. if you’re uncomfortable with an individual, even a family member or friend, for God’s sake, don’t make an opportunity. an ounce of prevention can prevent a lifetime of sorrow.

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