Hussein And His Fucking Wife On “Today Show” Today

May 1st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“It’s hard to be a man with my name running for President”.

That voice of his is not natural, it is not real in any way. It is a complete affectation. I’ve had a few people make the same observation without me bringing it up.

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19 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Well, Michelle … THE most IMPORTANT thing we ALL must remember is exactly WHAT makes YOU “proud” …

    “Much ‘less’ privilaged circumstances …”

    What the fuck?

    I didn’t go to the fucking schools YOU (or your wife) went to!

    As much as I do not want to see HIM in the Oval Office ….

    I DO NOT want to see that under-biting bitch of his in the White House dining room at the head of the table …

  2. Mark

    I hate to admit this but there is something I like about him. I don’t like his left/liberal leanings and I am not crazy about his wife nor any of his Hollywood type supporters. She dodged the question about Mr Wright which she probably thinks is clever but hammers home the point that she probably agrees with Rev Wright.

  3. shotglass628

    “Barack has spoken clearly and eloquently about this…”

    barf.. gag.. he’s taken 5 positions on wright..

    1. Not particularly controversial
    2. I haven’t heard that
    3. I heard some of it but not that
    4. Yes I heard it but it’s out of context
    5. Shocked, shocked that there was bigotry in that church

    Like any defense laywer. only he changed the order; typical would be:

    1. That’s not my dog
    2. He didn’t bite you
    3. And besides, you kicked him first.

    Barry played it different with wrigh; He’s slick.

    1. never seen my dog bite.
    2. You kicked him first; (Philly speech on “race”)
    3. I gavc that dog up and you can’t ask me about him.

  4. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Mark

    Oh, yeah, I agree … he’s got that Will Smith “buddy charm” about him … and it’s obvious he has baited and snagged those fainting supporters with it.

  5. Jewells

    Man, what the hell is wrong with her mouth?

  6. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)


    McCain grew up a Navy brat. Anyone who thinks that’s privledged doesn’t know shit. And she obviously knows nothing about Hillary’s childhood, which goes a long way towards explaining why she’s such a man-hating bitch.

    I don’t fucking believe it. They have me defending He Who Doesn’t Believe In Borders and She Who Flies On A Broom.

    It’s 5:30 somewhere, right? :beer: :gun:

  7. Boo Boo

    First of all, I know conservatives who know him personally, who say he is a decent/nice guy. Second, even though I don’t agree with him politically on anything, I feel sorry for him, because his “father figure” Rev. Wrong stabbed him in the back, maybe destroying his politcal career and maybe destroying a part of him personally, too. Et tu, Brutus?

  8. everydayjoe

    Barry could go alot farther if he ditched the snaggle-toothed bitch-of-a-wife. :gun: :evil:

  9. el Vaquero

    Never feel sorry for a sorry lying, ignorant, arrogant Lefty politician like this POS and that ingrate POS wife…that interview is enough for a BARF alert!

  10. T Double Dash

    Barack gotta keep his ho in check dawg

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    Why are these two still around? are you fuckers not outraged enough yet? he is associated with scumbags, rezko, the weather underground bomber, rev Wright. his wife is ungrateful

    im tired of this guy. i wish he would just go away already because him even still having supporters makes me ashamed, not ashamed of my country, but ashamed of a portion of the population.

  12. Vehement

    That was actually kind of sweet there towards the end. I almost a puked in my :beer: .
    Anyway, I just love how the same shit comes up;
    Oh I was tired and misspoke, or didn’t say it as well as I could have.
    And then WAMO! Race card!

  13. Vehement

    Or gender card in Hillary’s case.

  14. 007

    It Is realy hard to control my GAG Reflex!

  15. Goodbye Natalie

    Really nothing more needs to be said than the title of this thread? LOL.

    But I will say this about Michelle Obama:

    For the first time in my adult life, I am ashamed of this country for the simple reason that a POS like you would even be in consideration to sit in our Whitehouse.

    Tells me how much works needs to be done to restore complete sanity to our great land.

  16. deathstar

    [[I hate to admit this but there is something I like about him.]]

    Really? I think hes a prissy snooty little bitch who looks like a monkey. I guess that could be just because I hate his anti-American leftism so much that his flaws seem magnified.

  17. EDinTampa

    There isn’t a thing in the world that can make me believe them.

    I contend that their goal is to drag this country into socialism and make us very vulnerable to the thugs and murderers of the world.

  18. Firebad

    I said it once i’ll say it again.

    Obama sounds like Dave Cheppelle impersonating a white guy.

  19. Scott

    Jeremiah Wright’s Cuban Friends…

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