Hussein Blames U.S. For Hamas Takeover Of Gaza - With Video

May 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.



In an appearance in South Dakota just now, Barack Obama came back at yesterday’s attacks from George W. Bush and John McCain, accusing them of “hypocrisy, fear-peddling, and fear-mongering.”

He responded first to the charge from Bush that Democrats stand for appeasement in the Middle East.

“That’s exactly the kind of appalling attack that’s divided our country and that alienates us from the world, and that’s why we need change in Washington,” he said, going to repeatedly link Bush and McCain.

“That was frustrating enough,” he said of Bush’s words. “Then John McCain gives a speech. He gave a speech in the morning where he talked about the need for civility in our politics. He talked about elevating the tone in our country…. Not an hour later, he turned around and embraced George Bush’s attacks on Democrats. He jumped on a call with a bunch of bloggers and said that I wasn’t fit to protect this nation that I love.”

McCain “accused me of not being fit to protect this nation – a nation my grandfather served in World War II– a nation that’s given me everything that I have,” Obama said, then pivoted to attack Bush and McCain on a series of issues: Iraq; the survival of Osama bin Laden’s and the Al Qaeda’s leadership; Iran’s strength; and Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s ascendancy.

He broke in particular with Bush’s focus on democracy in the Middle East above all else.

“They’ll have to explain why Hamas now controls Gaza – Hamas that was strengthened because the us insisted that we have democratic elections in the Palestinian Authority,” he said.

McCain “still hasn’t spelled out one substantial way that he’d be different from GB when it comes to foreign policy,” Obama said, accusing both of “dishonest, divisive attacks.”

He also mocked McCain’s opposition to talking to Hamas in light of an interview McCain gave two years ago in which he appeared to support talking to Hamas.

Then he returned to themes familiar from his primary fight with Hillary Clinton.

“They’re trying to fool you. They’re trying to scare you. And they’re not telling you the truth. And the reason is that they can’t win a foreign policy debate on the merits,” he said, calling their belief in the power of “tough talk” “naive and irresponsible” — charges he exchanged with Clinton over his plan to meet with dictators.

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7 Responses

  1. bear1970

    This guy sets the gold fucking standard for being a dip shit.

  2. SOC

    He just keeps shoveling shit and his supporters say, mmmm good

  3. sully

    He really is a dipshit. Without Axelrod and the Daley machine on his six the dumbfuck couldn’t make it out the door in the AM.
    That’s it. His Blackness is a ‘front’. On his own the howdy doody prick stumbles and stutters like a third grader. Which is essentially what Harvard Law graduates these days because, after all, everything they NEED to know they learned in kindergarten.

  4. infidel

    All Hussein needed to know he learned at the madrasa.

    (ssh! is saying that off limits? who can keep track?)

  5. Q_Mech

    Good; keep him on the back foot. Make sure he has to keep defending his indefensible, cowardly positions. Keep him talking, ’cause every time he opens his mouth his foot is ready to sail straight into it with vigor and gusto.

    This man is meat on the table come election time.

  6. skh.pcola

    “No weapons of mass fuckin’ destruction?!?” Maybe this commie assclown will find WMDs when he visits the 58th state. Damn, people who entertain the desire to vote for BHO are flatliners.

  7. Eric A. Kossian

    As a neocon I hate to admit Barak is RIGHT! Rice/Bush have had victories and some big failures too. Most of the big failures have been at the bequest of RICE: the pull out of Gaza and quick stop to Israel dealing with Hezbollah. Now rockets come directly from areas retreated from in Gaza and Hizbollah has taken over Lebabon…and israel is in a much more precarious security situation. So what does Rice suggest? give up more territory!Since when does land for peace with terrorists who still dont actknowledge your right to exis ever work.? RICE IS AN UNMITIGATED DISASTER!

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