Hussein Hysterical Rant At Bush And McCain’s Criticism: - With Video

May 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Can you count, boys and girls, the number of exagerrations, altered history, and lies Barack Hussein Obama projectile vomits out of his mouth in this short clip?

Oh, and note the U.S. Flag pin on his lapel.

Change? This guy is not only a politician, he is a politician of the worst kind…a bribe taking, lying little bitch.

And, and check it out, in this short section, he lays out the biggest bunch of crap that he will be spewing out of his mouth throughout this General Election, their main talking points:

1. This is about gettnig rid of Bush.

2. McCain is a Bush third term, and

3. McCain wants a 100 year war in Iraq.

He even said he can beat McCain in a foreign policy debate. This, I simply cannot wait for.

Check it out:

One more side note, I know that he has been running abasically General Election campaign more and more lately, but today,it was purely a General Election campaign speech. No mention of Hillary at all.

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16 Responses

  1. sully

    I watched as much as I could take. Still amazes me that Michelle’s wife could be the Dhimmi choice.
    *It* still doesn’t answer Mac’s question about what it would have to say to the Iranian shitforbrains’ that hasn’t already been said…..
    If we’re lucky it will decide to be a human shield along with the pinkers.

  2. Rob

    I couldn’t make it past the whole dividing the country, and WE NEED CHANGE [wait for applause]

  3. el Vaquero

    Keep it coming, Obama will lose all that Hopey/Changy crap! I believe…the American people cannot be hoodwinked to elect this thin skinned, no nothing Tool!

  4. Caligula

    look at the faces of the people in the background. they look like brainwashed cult members. members of the cult of hope!!

    to quote the great philosopher house; “hope is for sissies!”

  5. John Goodrow

    He first implied he would not negotiate with terrorists, and then said he would set down and use diplomacy with Iran. :shock:

  6. SOC

    This closet muslim is ready to lead al queda, CAIR, Muslim brotherhood, the NIFA and FARC to victory in North America.
    If elected, it will go down in history and to total and complete surrender of moral America as we know it.

  7. sully

    “look at the faces of the people in the background”

    The ‘PC’ vernacular is ‘audience response units’ and they’re carefully chosen for whiteness from the 30-40 people actually in attendance at the event.

    Forgot to say that when I switched back during Obambis awkward attempt at Q&A, he was sorta stumbling for something to say (while he was gettin his head and ears around a question) and I expected to hear him ask…. ‘So you’re bitter about the price of gas AND corn??’

  8. sully

    :arrow: john goodrow:

    It’s the politics of distinctions without differences.
    Since the terrorist in chief is actually a head of state he’s not really a terrorist.

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    he literally just said he would meet with rogue nations without pre-conditions but with preparations.

    man this guy is a freakin liar! and im sick of the MSM giving him a free pass

    he is talking live at 2:16 pm. right now and just said he would

  10. Maria

    Dear GOD make it stop. He is mind-numbing and makes me want to jump out of my own skin with his dribble.

    Does Hussein or Hill realize President Bush is NOT RUNNING this year?

    His speeches make me want to bash my head up against a wall and his lemmings disgust me.

  11. Mike Mose

    That’s the kind of appalling attack that the Democrats have used since 9-11 to undermine America, the military, military families, while supporting every terrorist on this planet.

    I can hear radical Islam’s great cheer from here. As they chant “Obama, Obama, Obama” all of America will do exactly what Islam wants.

    negotiate a surrender.

  12. Jarhead68

    Shit for brains!!! :!:

  13. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    Hey, all above. :smile:

    Thanks for the summary’s.. Now I don’t have to watch it. I am about have dinner (going out for a CHANGE) and I don’t want to get sick. I might have a couple of :beer:

    Ah, just for the hell of it: Fuck the black mans answer to Jhimma Carta! :gun: :evil:

  14. Paula in KY

    Obamaladingdong is such a stupid fuck :roll:

  15. mb

    He whines about those who accuse him of appeasement..
    And then gives a great Insurgent Promo… PRICELESS! :lol:

    “Al Qaeda is stronger than ever”… Blah–Blah

  16. Ji

    He never said anything that Bush said, was wrong.

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