Hussein: Going To Iraq w/ McCain Would Be A Political Stunt - Hussein Considering Iraq Visit

May 28th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Well, what is it Hussein? A stunt or a good idea?

From this morning

Hussein Should Go To Iraq … Not Meet With Our Enemies

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama is considering a visit to Iraq this summer, his first to the war zone since becoming a presidential candidate.

Obama revealed his plans to The New York Times. He has been under criticism from Republican rival John McCain for failing to visit Iraq since 2006. Obama also declined McCain’s invitation for a joint trip.

“I just don’t want to be involved in a political stunt,” Obama said, according to a report on the newspaper’s Web site Wednesday.

“I think that if I’m going to Iraq, then I’m there to talk to troops and talk to commanders,” he said in the interview. “I’m not there to try to score political points or perform. The work they’re doing there is too important.”

Obama’s campaign has been considering an overseas trip since last year to beef up his foreign policy credentials, but the extended fight for the Democratic nomination with Hillary Rodham Clinton has delayed those plans.

“A trip is under consideration but no final plans have been made,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton said Wednesday.

Obama took his only trip to Iraq in January 2006, when he traveled as part of a congressional delegation. McCain has been criticizing him for not returning, and the Republican Party joined the attack Wednesday by launching an online clock to count the days since Obama last visited.

“This is about leadership and learning,” McCain said in Nevada, where he was campaigning. “To say that we’re failing in Iraq and not succeeding does not comport with the facts on the ground, so we’ve got to show him the facts on the ground.”


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10 Responses

  1. Mark

    “The work they’re doing there is too important.”

    Oh really Hussein? I don’t know if I can call that a lie, since the statement itself is very true…so i’ll put it this way….if the work they are doing is so important, why do you insist on removing them immediately and most likely cut their funding down the road?

    I really hate you Hussein.

  2. sully

    “I’m not there to try to score political points or perform.”

    Dude. That’s your M.O. every waking moment of every day.

  3. Paula, KY

    Well, he is a freak. Looks like he is trying a little autoerotica asphyxia. Hope he goes too far with the game. :lol: :lol:

  4. Rob

    :arrow: Sully

    I hope that’s not a lie. Although knowing Obomba it is. Not trying to score political points. Well then why’d you disown your “spiritual advisor” for 20 odd years. Moreover why’d you throw your “racist” grandmother under the bus? I’d also like to know why you told your most obvious lie to date about how your uncle went insane from liberating Aushwietz?

  5. Gramps

    Hope he does go, and gets a close up look at an IED.

  6. 007

    I just Puked on my laptop!!

  7. KBoomr113

    So the work the military is doing over there is important now? I thought we were wasting our time, money, and lives in Iraq and should quit now…. Can’t have it both ways dickhead. :gun:

  8. Tom in CO

    fuck you obama, make up your mind :gun:

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    “I’m not there to try to score political points or perform. The work they’re doing there is too important.”

    oh important work? you mean failing to win the war is important work Obama? this guy just invokes nothing from me but hatred i swear. I dont like the feeling of hating anyone but i have zero respect for him and i think its downright embarassing that this is one of the choices we have in front of us to run this country.

    Says the war cant be won. i bet he wont tell our troops that to their faces but he’ll continue to talk this surrender shit once he returns home.

  10. sully

    :arrow: Rob:

    It is a lie. Fucker would choke and die if he couldn’t be in politics. Scoring political points and ’showmanship’ are his life blood. Dude still owes Illinois an apology for backing out of his promise NOT to run for POTUS if they elected him Senator. He’s a liar, plain and simple. Thing is though, if you read his books you can’t help think he even lies to himself. Puke probably cheats at solitaire and thinks he actually wins.
    Seriously though. If you want a clear understanding of the Dhimmicrat of the 21st century then read “Rules For Radicals” by Saul Alinsky. Every bit of what is going on today, their ’strategy’, is in that book.

    He HAS to visit IRAQ if he is to have ANY hope at grabbing the remaining battleground of ‘the center’ and ‘independents’ and the bible clinging, gun toting Dems in the electorate. They are what make swing states swing and he needs to appear qualified to be CINC to these folks. NOT an easy task for the pansy MF.

    Speaking of which…. Anybody heard anything out of his husband Michelle lately?

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