Hussein Responds To Ayers Flag Photo With Video

May 7th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Yeah - Im calling BULLSHIT on Hussein. He STILL defends William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn. Which should not be shocker due to his still supporting Jeremiah Wright.

The article was published in 2001, Hussein continued to work with Ayers, appearing on public panels with Ayers into 2002.

For the Video of the statement on Fox & Friends today

For my earlier article

Bill Ayers: ‘In the context of the times’ My Ass

And to the 2001 Article In Chicago Magazine

Hussein Supporter and Friend: “No Regrets” Says Bill Ayers In A 2001 Article

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12 Responses

  1. SOC

    Ayers is a traitor and should be arrested for sedition.

  2. bill-tb

    Obama just found out, right?

  3. RememberOurFathers

    :arrow: SOC
    Absolutely. Hang that faggot.

  4. Gary in Midwest

    If we are such an oppressive society why don’t we pull this prick out of his lecture hall and break his legs?

  5. Mark

    We know hussein is a racist/socialist/anti-american. The scary thing is that this ayers scumbag is “teaching” college students. Actually, “poisioning minds” would be a better description than “teaching.” How can an educational institution hire a terrorist? How can students willingly enroll in classes taught by him? How is this terrorist not dead or in jail? To quote the good doctor, “liberalism is a mental disorder.” It’s the only explanation to so many things.

  6. TO (typical white person)

    People need to assess BHO’s actions not his words. BHO’s affiliations and associations are very telling. There is no meaning to the words he speaks. His actions have spoken louder than any words he could say.

  7. Mark

    I need to add this…When hussein puts out a statement saying “There is no exuse for anyone to treat that which we hold so dear with so little regard,” I have to wonder why he would vote against a constitutional ban on flag desecration, as he did in June 2006. Hussein is a damned fucking liar, and it’s really getting under my skin now.

  8. rightangle

    If barry gets much further, how many aspiring young dems are going to follow his habit for crazy mentorships?

  9. Bob USMC

    What a disgrace, and a real danger to our country, that this Ayers America-hater is indoctrinating our youth at UIC. When does the civil war start? It can’t come soon enough. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  10. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)


    kent state university hired a terrorrist sympathizer named Jose Pino(history), but people are voting for obama still because they are pure ideologues. Party affiliation,race, and scoialism lead them. they literally dont care if they elect a criminal as long as he believes what they believe. I think an obama/mumia ticket is in order. :lol:

  11. Word-Drum

    With a million(I don’t know the real number)lawyers in this country, can’t there be one who would prosecute this scum bag? Or is it double jeopardy?
    Him corrupting the youth as a teacher goads me too. Karma has failed us. We have to keep our heads(even though they are exploding) and make sure Hussein is exposed and defeated.

    Announcement: Dollard Nation, Word-Drum is now a contributor
    to The Muslim Question 2
    Like Pat, we take no prisoners.

  12. sully

    Obama’s associations have everything to do with who he would be as President. They define him because he has purposefully hidden as much as possible from America. His rhetoric about change is as empty as his suit. His own words caught candidly prove as much very easily.
    And if he ‘loved’ this country like he pretends there would be *no way* anybody could question that with something as everyday (especially for a Pres candidate) as a lapel pin and/or a hand on your chest during a song or a pledge.
    His associations show the loathing of our country that Americans are seeing he himself holds.

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