Hussein Says He’d Stay At Same Church If He Wasn’t Running For President - With Video

May 31st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Check out the earlier story here. Pay close attention to what he says here…he says that he and his wife decided that as long as he was running for President, they couldn’t continue their membership at Trinity.

Oh really?

So what he is really saying then, is that he truly, deep down, has no problem with the things being said at Trinity, even as of the latest Father Raunchy Pleger rantings from that pulpit. It’s just that because he is running for President, the things said from that pulpit were being scrutinzed heavily.

Furthermore, he says that he didn’t want Pastor Moss to have worry about what he had to preach, and that would be a reality “as long as he is running for President (but not if he wasn’t)”, because his sermons would constantly be under scrutiny.

Side note: His church received the scrutiny it did because they were preaching politics instead of Christianity from the pulpit.

Listen…I know something about the differences in doctrinal interpretation of the Bible, especially the New Testament with regard to Christian doctrine, and there are many different interpretations as to how to practice the things espoused by, say the Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians as opposed to doctrine espoused in the letter to the Hebrews, or even the Acts of the Apostles as written by Luke.

But one thing that MOST denominations of Christianity adhere to is that Jesus was a Jew. He wasn’t black. This doctrinal teaching leads down a most heretical path because that key “belief” ultimately changes every way that the Old Testament is to be interpreted.

I could go on and on about this but the bottom line is this:

Barack Hussein Obama may have distanced himself from the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Fr. Pleger, but not from Rev Moss, who is simply a younger version of Wright. He basically says that if he wasn’t running for President, he’d stay at Trinity, and after the way we’ve seen the congregation react to the insane rantings of Wright and Pfleger, only and idiot would come to the conclusion that the “30 seconds of sound bites played in a loop over and over again” were an anomoly and not congruous with the mindset and thusly, the overall doctrine and accepted teachings of the members of that church.

In a nutshell, he said this: “I’m leaving the church because this doctrine will sink my Presidential hopes and so I need to distance myself from it for political reasons. But I believe in the doctrine, as evidenced by my decision and confession that decided to leave only because I’m running for President.”

Funny, thats exactly what Jeremiah Wright said about him to Moyers and the Nat’l Press Club.

He is a dangerous, lying man for our country. And I don’t say that lightly.

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20 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    A man without a church …

    Hopefully a man without a country come November.

  2. sully

    An amazing and VERY sad thing to watch the press throw him the softball questions that they throw.
    Not one acknowledgement that the ‘controversy’ is the ‘theology’ preached in that church, not the personality of the preacher.

    Yes he is a very dangerous and lying man.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Character still counts Obama Bin Lying. Maybe its “just words” to him; but in November, it will be “just votes” to the vast majority of the electorate in this country.

    This country doesn’t need another Jimmah Koh-tair. One was enough.

  4. sully

    Upon reflection, a year plus ago when the Dhimmis said they were going to ‘take back faith’ from the Repubs, I remember laughing and thinking ‘That oughta be fun’. I was right.

    So what’s next for Bambi? Maybe starting his own church? The Church of The Obamessiah? Certainly has enough ‘followers’ as well as a wonderful tent revival speaking style.
    And/or how about flip-flopping and waffling just a tad more and running as a dark skinned white guy? Y’know… embrace his inner ‘typical white person’.
    He’s got a 50-50 chance of that workin’ out… coulda been better odds if he had wrote about his Mom a little more than he did his Dad.

  5. 007

    :arrow: drillanwr

    (PRAY) that your prediction comes true!

    We still have to fight the MSM and we are Losing!!!!!


    Did I understand this right? Obama wants to quit his church because he is worried about every word being scrutinized there? So he wants to protect his church from scrutiny? He seems more concerned about his church than the hateful rhetoric that goes on inside.

  7. John Cunningham

    You can take him out of the church but you can’t take the church out of him.

  8. cnchess

    So this is a transparent fraud. He is not really rejecting the racist, Marxist rantings of these semi-literates pretending to be Christians… he is just trying to releave the pressure on them, and more importantly him.

  9. CJW

    An empty-suited politician with no principles will throw anyone or anything under the bus as he whores for more votes.

  10. rn

    Archdioces of Chicago: email

    fax 772-962-0164

  11. Phil N Blanx

    Them wascally roosting chickens coming home….

  12. jarhead68

    I gotta tell ya…this guy, when talking extemporaneously, is no better at it than GWB. That was a bumbling mess of nonsense and he put his foot in it big time. Notice he always has to say “Y’ow?” (you know) when searching his vast empty head for the next sentence? I hate it when people always say that. If I knew, I wouldn’t need to listen to you speak, now would I?

    I’ll say it again, “He’s not an empty suit; he’s an empty pair of boxer shorts with tire tracks in the seat.” Useless.

  13. dad3-7

    he is showing his true machoism… when the heat gets warm jump out of the way of the flame… what kind of leadership does this show??? what kind of honor does this show???? what kind of patriotism does this show???? the guy is a creep…

  14. Pete

    Dittos to jarhead68. He makes W sound like Bill Buckley

  15. Sandy

    :arrow: sully

    “So what’s next for Bambi? Maybe starting his own church? The Church of The Obamessiah? Certainly has enough ‘followers’ as well as a wonderful tent revival speaking style.”

    He certainly does. They are the most frightening people to talk to as well. A haze always forms on their faces when you speak with them about anything. :lol: :beer: :gun:

    Hussein is a huge fraud against America and every citizen no matter what color they are. It is high time they wake up from their wet dreams of utopia on earth because he speaketh out of both sides of his mouth like a snake. :wink:

  16. Sandy

    :arrow: Bash

    As always Bash, you keep on point with this idiot :!:
    He really is an arrogant asshole. He still thinks that what he had been listening to for 20 years is acceptable for a “church” by his definition.

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :gun: :gun: :gun:

    Keep him accountable every chance you get. :wink:

  17. Hussein Says He’d Stay At Same Church If He Wasn’t Running For President - With Video « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] Church If He Wasn’t Running For President - With Video June 1, 2008 — budsimmons… Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein […]

  18. TO (twp)

    What a prick.

  19. Bob USMC

    007, I look at the media thing this way:

    Yes, they are corrupt and plentiful, HOWEVER, we have much more tools to fight them with than ever before. When I was little, there was no cable TV, Fox News, internet, and blogs. They had a total and unchallenged monopoly. That isn’t the case today, and many corrupt print media are losing massive readership and having to layoff liberal “journalist/activsts” so we’re making some progress. :twisted: :twisted: :gun:

  20. hepcat

    Shouldn’t Trinity United Church of Christ lose its tax exempt status?

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