Hussein’s Goal? ‘Jeopardize U.S. Battlefield Superiority’ - With Video

May 31st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


World Net Daily:

An organization dedicated to the mission of protecting and defending individual freedoms and rights under the U.S. Constitution is criticizing presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama for promising to cut, and possibly gut, U.S. military defense spending.

The Center for Individual Freedom, a non-partisan, non-profit, has posted one version of a YouTube video of Obama “inexplicably” pledging” to “unilaterally jeopardize American military superiority.”

“When you find yourself in a hole, just keep digging,” the organization said in its accompanying commentary. “That appears to be the logic of Sen. Barack Obama, who already finds himself in the proverbial hole on defense and national security issues. At this pace, he’ll reach China by November.”

The organization said the Obama video, which originally was posted online by BarackObamadotcom in late 2007 but has been reproduced in other versions too, he tells an audience at a group called Caucus4Priorities he would cut “tens of billions of dollars” in spending.

This would come at a time “when our armed forces are already stretched and in need of new weapon technologies and armor,” said CFIF.

The original video is here:

He also guarantees he will “cut investments in unproven missile defense systems,” and he “will not weaponize space,” and that “unnecessary” spending will be eliminated.

“Most alarmingly, however, Sen. Obama literally promises to ’slow development of future combat systems,’” CFIF said.

“Think about the frightening implications of this pledge for a moment.

“Future combat systems are the cornerstone of American military modernization and superiority. As America fights the war on terror and deters potential military aggression by rogue nations cross the world, advanced combat systems provide us with better equipment, unmatched situational awareness and communication systems that result in American battlefield domination. Other ascendant nations such as China and Russia seek to match our prowess, but we continue to outpace them,” CFIF said.

It cited new satellite technology that “allows us to pinpoint and eliminate the enemy, unmanned drones that promise amazing advances in battlefield safety and effectiveness, bunker-buster weapons that penetrate deep into the caves in which remote terrorists hide and communications systems that allow lightning-quick troop deployment and rescue missions.”

“They ultimately protect the lives and health of our troops, just as they protect us,” CFIF said. “Despite this, Sen. Obama bizarrely pledges to jeopardize our battlefield superiority.”

The group cited the nation’s stealth aircraft, which penetrated Saddam Hussein’s air defenses, precision-guided weaponry that has reduced harm to non-combatants and the Strategic Defense Initiative, “which forced Mikhail Gorbachev’s negotiating hand and helped end the Cold War.”

Obama uses the speech to emphasize that he is “the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning.”

He says:

Thanks so much for the Caucus4Priorities, for the great work you’ve been doing. As president, I will end misguided defense policies and stand with Caucus4Priorities in fighting special interests in Washington.

First, I’ll stop spending $9 billion a month in Iraq. I’m the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning. And as president I will end it.

Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending.

I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.

I will not weaponize space.

I will slow our development of future combat systems.

And I will institute an independent “Defense Priorities Board” to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending.

Third, I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons; I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material; and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert, and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals.

“In what realm does Sen. Obama’s ideology dwell, that he would expect his promises to somehow endear him to American swing voters?” CFIF asked. “What makes Sen. Obama’s statement most perplexing is the fact that he already faces an uphill battle to convince American voters that he won’t be the second coming of Jimmy Carter in undermining our military forces.”

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13 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Convince the world to stop production of nukes? What are you stupid or something BHO?

    Wasteful spending? Is that a metaphor for cutting our military so deep that it no longer exists?

    You sorry lump of genetic flotsom.

    This imbicie is too stupid to be President of anything except maybe the SDS or the American Communist League.

    What a brain-dead f*ck he is.

  2. SOC

    Gentleman I am alarmed and sick to my stomach when I hear this man speak. We all owe a lot to George Bush for taking the stance he did in relation to Iraq , Sadam Hussein, And the Axis of evil.(there really is one and it is growing). The only reason, repeat, the only reason why we have not had an attack since 9/11 in the US is because President Bush and his policies are keeping the enemy busy over there and not here.

    I have never been involved in any American election where a main presidential runner is so “Hell bent” on the destruction of America. This is the most race hateful person, giveaway artist, double talking, forked tongued,
    person I ever remember. If this man is elected, he will forever change America as we know it, and we will be fighting for our lives right here on the streets of America.

    Because of our presence in Iraq, America has once again established herself as a world champion for freedom, democracy, and human rights. Please, please, I get down on my knees and beg you, starting today, do everything possible, in your power, to work to prevent this man from being elected. This man is an absolute disgrace and a total imminent danger to America.

    This man is as much of an enemy as any formidable enemy we have ever faced. Why? Because his destruction of America will come from within, not outside. Everything that has ever been fought for in every war fought by America will be lost
    forever for Americans if this man is elected President.
    Forbid it almighty God…….

  3. RC

    With each passing day I can’t help but think The father of lies spawned this sorry being for one purpose alone the destruction of the US and the western hemisphere, and ultimately Christianity/Judaism.

    He’s an out and out methodical liar, he supports unconditional talks with tyrants and despots, he wants to burden us all with higher taxes, he possesses zero foreign policy knowledge and defense credentials and his knowledge of major historical turning points are consistently inaccurate, he advocates unity yet runs a campaign on divisive racial and sexist identity points, he refuses to place his hand upon his heart during the national anthem, he mumbles his way through debates and gets a free pass from critical analyst and the msm time and time again, his wife is a detestable marxist, his uncles are either pseudo war heroes or just plain rabid crazed pastors - his “gaffes” are too many to list and to warrant such a meteoric rise in politics in such a short period of time.

    Agree with other posters, a vote for Hussein Obama is a vote for insanity of the highest most destructive order. Our way of life hangs in balance and truly is in jeopardy in this man’s hands and the driving forces behind him, be it Satan or Soros - absolute chaos waits in the wings.

  4. Old Chief

    :arrow: SOC

    Very well said. I also feel that Obama is the most scary candidate the country has ever had. I have never worried, in the past, that any candidate had the best interests of the country at heart. But Obama seems to hate everything that we stand for and have built through blood and hard work.

  5. mshatto

    The tidal wave of shit that will hit this country if this @#$%*! becomes POTUS will make the Boxer Day Tsunami of 2004 look like a ripple in a pond. Good luck to all of us because we just might need it.

  6. Mike Mose

    Obama will destabilize the entire world if elected. Every American soldier will be sitting duck for the next terrorist attack. When America is attack Obama has promised to side with the Muslims.

  7. AmericanJarhead


    The link to my blog that links to this site is:

  8. danielle

    Oh God. I’m gonna miss President Bush and his cowboy ways.

    Obama is going to ruin America if he gets elected.

  9. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I see a movie remake…”The Nigerian Candidate”.
    What do y’all think?

  10. Gecko

    Okay, what? He is out of his f*****g mind. Riiiiight, destroying our nuclear assets will automatically make those bad, sca- er, I mean valuable, cherished nations with terrible dictat, I mean forcibly elected leaders, give up their nuclear weapons. Like how those with criminal lives will automatically give up their guns because of a law being passed that says it is illegal to have them.

    Also, “unproven missile defences”. They’ll never be proven unless you give them some time! At first, the tank was unproven. So was the airplane. But were those killed off immediately? NO! They were accepted after they had time to prove themselves!

  11. CJW

    He’s going to pull a Slick Willie by declaring a peace dividend and acting as though there are no real threats to the U.S. And, then he will boast about the budget surpluses that result as the military and intelligence agencies go smaller and wither from neglect right before the next big terrorist acts that try to bring the U.S. to its knees.

  12. Ziggy


    I know you must have seen this but it just seems appropriate to double-check.

    BTW. do you miss Bakian and that Rooney has posted little recently????

    Be well,

    Jim (Ziggy)

  13. Ziggy

    Please delete my previous comment. I posted it to the wrong location???


    I’m sorry for the aggravation.


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