“Iron Man” Debut Gross $95 Million Because America Loves Heroes - With Trailer

May 3rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


“Stop-Loss” grossed about $4 million when it opened. “Redacted” has not even, to this day, grossed a quarter of a million dollars.

Here’s why: America loves heroes.

Hollywood has done everything it can to make sure that Americans do not view our troops as heroes because the people that drive Hollywood are far-left wing driven, liberal, anti-troop, marxist, commie pinko, idiots in love with the romantic notion of the popularity of dissent as via their selective memories and the glamorization of the anti-Vietnam War era whirlwind of social change.

Iraq/Afghanistan War films will do well when they portray the heroics of our troops in the service of our country and connect the dots to those wars, and security for Americans here at home.

This is what the Bush Adminsitration has failed to do. Accurately get the message across to the American people that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ARE making America, Americans, and American interests, allies, and thusly the whole world, safer.

Once people realize (especially Hollywood filmmakers, TV networks, and the mainstream media) that what we are doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, and throughout the world in the pursuit of the destruction of the radical jihadi agenda actually makes them safer, makes the world safer, and are good and necessary operations, then they will see our troops for the heroes that they really are, and films that portray these operations and the troops that carry them out as being heroic.

And then we’ll see films about the Iraq/Afghanistan wars reflect that, and gross $95 million their first weekends out, like Iron Man has. Because Americans love heroes.

Check it out here.

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17 Responses

  1. Irish Gal

    Looks pretty cool. I can’t remember the last time I went to actually see a movie at the theater. May have to go see this one. :cool:

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Dear Pat …

    We regret to inform you that Mr. Robert Downey Jr. will be unavailable to portray you in a movie as his ass will be waaaay cool busy working on an “IRONMAN” sequel.

    :lol: :lol: :gun:

  3. Rob

    Yea. Now they make movies saying we’re no better than terrorists. “The Kingdom” I was about to burn the theater to the ground after watching it.

  4. mommyrn

    Saw the movie. IT ROCKS!!!! I may actually have to download the soundtrack as well.

  5. Greg M

    Yeah I saw the movie too! It was fantastic I would go see it again! Me and a few friends waited two hours walking around and just being bored to watch that movie and it was well worth the wait!

  6. RTLM

    Iron Man sneak peek


  7. Xray

    This is a movie to take your family to see. American innovation can not be beaten, and never will as long as we are truly free.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    yeah this movie had me hooked from the first trailer of it i saw. might have to go check it out tonight. looks awesome

  9. Kevin M

    :arrow: Rob

    Re “The Kingdom” I am with you 100%. That whole ending with “What did he whisper to you?” mde me fucking sick to my stomach.

    When Hollywood learns to drop the PC bullshit and call a spade a spade, then maybe we’ll see a change in the character of this country (e.g., no libs). Until then, we get lectured by a pack of pansies who want us to sing kumbaya and burn incense.

  10. azpatriot

    Ok this test will be performed at “1%” lol you’ll have to go see it to see what happens at 10% hahahahahaha. this movie totally rocked I’ve always been an Iron man fan since I was a kid. RD Jr. just is Tony Stark!

  11. Ranger

    Saw it today. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  12. mindy abraham

    looks good-I want a Real Hero movie NOW, not just fake superhero movies, but REAL heroes.

  13. traci

    the movie was soooo awesome!! and you have to stay til after the credits. I can’t wait for the next one!

  14. Pat Dollard

    How does it end?

  15. hegelbot

    and this is why marvel comics rules…perhaps we can get a sgt. Fury or a Nick Fury agent of S.H.I.E.L.D movie.

  16. Greg M

    Pat how fair would it be if I told you how it ended? Not very… but I will tell you anyways. He beats the bad guy he becomes the Iron Man we all know and love. :shock: What a twist! Still a great movie you should still go see it.

  17. mindy abraham

    Just saw it-It was GOOD. :mrgreen:

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