Is Minnesota Muslim Congressman Inside Man For Jihadis?

May 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I’m just asking…I’m not saying…just asking…

There is a great essay over at by Rev. L.Dowell, I have reprinted excerpts below…she raises some very, very interesting and troubling issues…

Ellison is the puke piglet that insisted on being sworn in on the Koran…

Minnesota Rep. Ellison, An Obama Ally, May Be Jeopardizing U.S. Security For The Sake Of Islam
by Rev. Lainie Dowell

How much information is too much information when a nation is at war to publicly disclose about our on-going attempts to achieve a resolute victory over terrorists?

Congressman Keith Ellison, a relatively unknown figure from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was elected to the U.S. Congress and took office January 4, 2007. Ellison is a close friend and political confidante of Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois.

Ellison lays claim to being the first African-American from his state and the first Muslim to be seated in Congress. He was accepted by Americans, but he has not yet accepted America as his nation. Nevertheless, when anybody raises questions about his loyalty to America, Ellison is quick to label his critics as being bent on smearing his religion. But what about the man?

Every American has the right, the obligation and, indeed, the duty to scrutinize anyone who sits so close to the secrets that keep America safe without their being labeled as bigots. All because it is fashionable, it is not the American way to stifle debate.

When Ellison says, on the one hand, that he accepts his duty to God and country, we have to wonder which God and which country. Ellison created a controversy when he insisted upon being sworn in to Congress by placing his hand on the Koran. That’s fine. However, his close affiliation with Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam brings into question his loyalties. This should be a legitimate concern for all Americans. Ellison also has a known history of working with CAIR, [Council on American-Islamic Relations] a covert organization with a substantial record indicating the group launders terrorist’s money, resulting in members being deported or arrested with some receiving jail sentences.

Ellison is known to have been–and still is–unapologetically committed to the cause of Islam. Radical Islam’s stated purpose is to subvert the American form of government and its Judeo-Christian values and bring in its stead, an Islamic nation to America. The largest mosque in Northern America is located in Dearborn, Michigan, which is the birth state of Ellison and where he lived before taking up residence with his family in Minnesota.

Ellison is a spokesman for and advocate of the Muslim move in America to increase their participation in the political arena by offering Islamic groups’ political training. Their purpose is not to uphold the Constitution of the U.S. and defend; in fact, their intent is to discard it and replace it with their own form of Sharia law.

Even though Ellison is now serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Ellison has failed to understand how protective Americans are of this nation’s history and purpose. Many voices have been raised against his taking office and have been ignored by the mainstream media, because of political correctness surrounding the Islamic question, which is not totally the issue.

Those voices were correct, when you stop to consider that Ellison has had no compunction of posting on his congressional website, for all to see, the deliberations concerning whether or not the U.S. military will be pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan, the projected timetables of deployment, the funding and the total lack of support by the Democrats and a few Republicans for the war against terror. Anybody, especially terrorists, would only have to click a mouse to gain access to all that protects America from its enemies who are waiting and watching for their turn to strike. And, while those enemies are on Ellison’s Congressional web site, they can read the map of Iraq posted there, which pinpoints where our Armed Forces are stationed.

Click here to go to Congressman Ellison’s web site.

I think it’s important to note Ellison has placed that map of Iraq on his Congressional site along with his ongoing attempts to get the troops “redeployed” and/or pulled out of Iraq and the region. Along with that information, the map shows key points in the country. Many of those identified places have American and coalition military posted there. Along with what terrorists already know, any detail they gleaned, particularly from a congressman, would be enough to get them to thinking how easy it would be to gain access to troop positions. Ellison should know it and all in leadership must know that.

Because of Ellison’s stated Muslim position, we are right to be suspicious and question his actions in that regard.

Today’s technological and scientific advances have all but obliterated national and international borders. And the World War II slogan, “Loose lips sink ships,” should be replaced by reminders for Americans to “Beware of what you post on the Internet.”

Our national security, individual peace and societal lifestyle are systematically being weakened from within. We are being undermined as a nation, by calls for much more defense disclosures–mainly from individuals and organizations which make no secret of their desire to see America’s downfall, period.

Long before September 11, 2001, we had been given more than sufficient evidence that our nation was being watched by detractors from near and afar. Nevertheless, the nation went about its business of making laws and arguing about who should lead the next administration, Democrats or Republicans.

Meanwhile, we witnessed the on-going destruction of American life and liberty. We watched as families mourned in public because of the vicious, senseless and inexplicable killing of innocent citizens. We recall the many promises of former President Bill Clinton to apprehend the murderers. Yet, they remained free and Americans continued to be vulnerable to their mad plots against us.

Monuments were constructed to commemorate victims of the various attacks and the administration changed hands. America slept in relative peace until that fateful date, September 11, 2001. President George W. Bush, the new leader, was in office only a short while when this disaster occurred, but he took the position America was no longer going to allow another attack without reprisal. And the nation joined with him, to affirm its patriotic resolve to secure not only this nation, but also the world’s stage. The “War Against Terror” was on and our brave military men and women voluntarily stepped up to the task.

Why hasn’t the Congressional leadership followed suit? There was a shift in leadership which came about because Democrats promised to bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan or redeploy them in nations far from harm’s way.

Wake up, Congress and Homeland Security! American citizens are calling on you to stand up and protect us at home and abroad from terrorists without and within, but no one seems to be home.

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7 Responses

  1. Paula, KY

    :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  2. SOC

    Ellison is a treat because he lacks loyality and dedication to the United States. He wants to turn this country into a muslim caliphate.This is a prime example of how muslims intend to use our laws to destroy our constitution and replace it with sharia law. This is the single greatest threat we face after the possibility of Obama Hussein becoming president.

    These people are using the very freedoms we founded to work on our destruction from within. The internal muslim groups in the us preach jihad in their mosques her. Muslims groups like CAIR and the muslim brotherhood are promoting these people to run for office. And because of taquiya, no one really sees what is happening.

    I don’t understand our present political leaders in the House and senate. It is as if they are helping these internal muslim groups take our country over. What is worse, the average American does not know how to stop these guys, much less even aware they exist. They seem to have no religion or qualms about giving away our freedoms.

    Is it just me, or maybe i am stupid. I sure as hell have never witnessed in my life, so many people in iur country working against our nation’s freedoms. We have too much foreign influence in this country.

  3. Trialdog

    Doesn’t pay his traffic fines either. Probably beneath him. Wisconsin Circuit Court Access; Dunn County.

  4. Paula, KY

    I believe Indiana recently elected a Muslim Congresscritter too.

  5. sully

    This is fucked up and is precisely the reason I support Mac for POTUS even though he might not represent all my hopes and desires. This is game on time with these Islamic fucks that DO want to “change” this country into a hideous replica of an Islamic caliphate. They intend to bring it here and they’ve gotten as far as they have just by calling us names like racist, etc… playing off of real and/or imagined guilt. Fuck that and fuck them.

  6. Sandy

    I saw red when this guy was elected and sworn in on a koran. Now all I have to say is:

    :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  7. Lone Wolf

    Jefferson’s Qur’an is the George Sale (2nd?) edition, which states in the preface that it was specifically created “to undeceive those who, from the ignorant or unfair translations which have appeared, have entertained too favourable an opinion of the original, and also to enable us effectually to expose the imposture;” - he created it to inform the infidels of it’s contents and thus better arm us to oppose Islam.

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