Jihadikiller Hour After Hours Party Right Here, Discuss The Show, Shoot The Shit!

May 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The “One night only” means that tonight is the only time we’ll be starting at 8:30(PST)/11:30(EST)…next week we should be back to our old time slot but moving to a 90 minute show!

w00t, bitches!

So click on that button below to get there and log in, sign up, or whetever the fuck you gotta do to and listen in!

Hey! Here’s a thought…call in!

Drill is supposed to call in tonight and bring us up to date as to what the hell is happening in the world because Pat and bash have sort of been “out of the news cycle” for longer than 24 hours and when that happens you are considered way behind in this biz…

But could Hillary have shoved her foot any further inito her mouth thanshe did this week?

Do call in please.

Welsh will be fucking with the trolls in the chat. He’ll keep blocking and unblocking them just to frustrate them.

To listen to the show and call-in simply click on the button on the host channel page at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/welsh or click the button provided below.

Listen to Pat Dollard's Jihadikiller Hour on internet talk radio

In fact, may I humbly request that all you suspected regulars just bookmark that shit.

To call in, call (646) 652-2357.

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29 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    The chat room up?

  2. Sandy

    They are waiting for the host to call in so far.

  3. GROM

    you have to try to compress the sow buy taking more callers.
    I know that personal stories are great but I think that your show doesn’t have time for that.
    Get to the questions get to the issues and move on to the next caller.
    Good show but it could have been a little better.

  4. T-Bagg

    :?: Does any body know the name of the song that plays at the end of Pats show?

  5. Tom in CO

    Awesome stuff for a first time visitor! :beer: :gun: :beer:

  6. Kim

    First time listener - enjoyed the show. Nice to put a voice (if not a face) to some of the familiar names.

  7. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I AM NOT 60!!!


    Put together Holly Hunter and Linda Hamilton a little bit … (same coloring as Hunter) …

    Madonna looks fucking older than me!

    60 yrs old!

  8. Paula, KY

    90 minutes next week :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  9. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    :arrow: drillanwr

    You definitely have an Ohioan accent!

    Madonna looks like a freak, and is a dumb one at that.

  10. T-Bagg

    I believe you Drill :mrgreen:

    In other news. I wore my JihadiKiller Crusader shirt for the first time yesterday. I got into a five minute conversation with the guy ringing up my liquor and beer about destroying Iran and drilling off the coast of Cali and in Alaska.
    And everyone else seemed to like the “Will kill for oil” emblazoned across the back.

  11. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: A. S. Wise- VA

    Yeah, I get that a lot … Even when I lived in Cleveland … They said I had an “accent”.

  12. sully

    “I AM NOT 60!!!”

    Holly Hunter/Linda Hamilton ya say?!?!
    Ya got a sexy voice drill…. tell em all to bite yer ass!!!

  13. Kurt(the infidel)

    I missed the damn show tonight! can you believe that shit?? this 3 day weekend has me all fu*ked up!

    im going to listen to it now, but man i cant believe i just forgot

  14. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    60! {phfeeeh!} I’m one month into being 50 and damn proud of it … My doc says I look as if I’m in my friggin’ 30s! Guess I gave up the bad stuff early enough.

    Okay … WTF with the chat room tonight? HUH!?!? I missed being there with yunz. :beer: :beer: :gun:

  15. Bob P

    I signed on as everyone was leaving. I’ll be earlier next week.

  16. Bob USMC

    Kurt, I had to miss it as well. Hope any libs in chat got their usual beating. hehe. :gun: :gun:

  17. Kurt(the infidel)

    Bob, i hope they did too. they deserve nothing less than a beating. verbal or otherwise :beer:

  18. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    :arrow: Bob USMC

    We held the perimeter again tonight; nothing got through! :lol:

  19. Bob USMC

    :twisted: :twisted: I say let the libfascists in real close, and then shoot their fucking eyes out! :gun: :gun: :twisted:

  20. Kurt(the infidel)

    you’re the man Bob! im with you brother :twisted:

  21. Bob USMC


  22. T-Bagg

    Remember to squeeze, don’t pull the trig… Ah fuck it, they’re in close enough. Just knife ‘em. :twisted:

  23. franchie

    Drill, your voice is like Jane Manson’s, an american woman who managed a “spirituals” singer adventure in France, while married to quite a few men in “production” businesses

    that’s a bit “messy” for me,

    can you tell me who is who with the male voices ? (except Bash, that I can recognise)

  24. franchie

    y’a should request the ID pic with the “pseudo” name, I bet we’ll be surprised by how some “old fat asses are playing the young punks” (and or with multi-pseudos) :idea: :roll:

  25. franchie

    about Jane Manson :



  26. Bob P

    so cynical franchie, you sound like a liberal.

  27. franchie

    Bob P, if you meen, liberal as it’s in Europe, that’s OK, but certainly not like you understand liberal in your country,

    Cynism is a protection “armure”, so that I can stay in the ring :lol:

  28. 007

    I Like the Multiple Callers at the same time, Makes it like a group conversation. The show was great!

  29. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: franchie

    Thanks for the comparison! :beer: :beer:

    She has a great voice … Actually, I did sing in high school. Ruined my voice … in child birth :lol:

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