Jindal: The Political Boy Scout That Could Help The GOP Ticket Cross The Street To The White House

May 29th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Okay … Okay … I just might be having a bit of a huge change of heart here. I just might be willing to sacrifice Louisiana for the White House in November 2008.

MANY of us here are huge Bobby Jindal (I don’t want to say ‘fans’ … shitty cheap) supporters and champions.

An observation here. From everything I am hearing and seeing of Bobby Jindal, not an enormous man physically, I believe if he were to crawl into one of Hussein’s suits he’d rip them apart at the seams like The Incredible Hulk.

The democrats have portrayed Hussein Obama as the neo-John Kennedy. That’s a hell of a lot of lipstick to smear on a pig and pass it off as a winning beauty queen.

If there is one extremely young and promising hope for a strong political leader in this nation, who just happens to have ‘brown-skin’, it is NOT Hussein. It IS Bobby Jindal. For two very important reasons:

1) Gov. Bobby Jindal epitomizes everything Martin Luther King Jr. fought for … that we DO NOT judge by the color of our skin. In striking contrast, Hussein Obama’s campaign has been rooted in the whole ‘first black president’ mantra disguised as policy. His and his (for the first time proud) wife’s ideological foundation is cemented in a church and reverand who pushes a seperatist black agenda. And then there is the force-field the Hussein supporters in his MSM-backed campaign throw up anytime he or his policy (or lack there of) and qualifications to be POTUS is criticized or questioned … RACIST! WWMLKS/D? What Would MLK Say/Do were he here today if he saw that crap?

2) Gov. Bobby Jindal holds the convictions to keep this nation true to its values and foundations embedded deeply within our U.S. Constitution … Hussein Obama, on the other hand, wants to dust off the The Communist Manifesto and make it into a damn pretty little pop-up book with alluring pictures for the celebrity jaded masses to worship as the new Bible, and Hussein as the neo-communist Christ.

So my re-thinking on Bobby Jindal is this … To inject him onto the McCain 2008 GOP ticket for the White House like an enormous dose of conservative B-12 might just do two things:

1) completely avoid the cult of personality the MSM loves to stack up like so many Lego blocks and then teardown piece by piece over a long stretch of time

2) and throw a major curve ball to the groin of the whole ‘black presidential candidate’ personna Hussein Obama has been allowed to ride like a cheap whore this far.

So, yeah, I am officially tossing Gov. Bobby Jindal back into the proverbial GOP Veep kitty in the center of the 2008 POTUS poker table.


American Spectator:


Word out of the Sedona auditions for GOP vice-presidential nominee is that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal at the very least wowed other guests over the weekend with his grasp of policy and the need for change inside the Republican Party. “He was the only one who seemed to understand that we have to get back to innovative public policies that don’t stray far from our conservative values,” says a source with knowledge of the weekend. “He was the star of the weekend without really trying.”

In the runup to the Memorial Weekend getaway, McCain campaign aides insisted that while Jindal is under heavy consideration, the party might be better served to have him as a highly visible governor for the next several years. But Jindal apparently saw the opportunity and made the most of it.

Other interesting tidbidts: Gov. Charlie Crist — a confirmed bachelor — may have had the most attractive female companionship for the weekend, and got along well with just about everyone attending the event.

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12 Responses

  1. sully

    I caught Jindal speaking to the National Press Club and I was very impressed, particularly during the Q&A. He has a good speaking style and was very well informed about every issue he was asked to address. I like him.
    I also think Louisiana and New Orleans needs this guy REALLY bad.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    I have said this before, Bobby Jindal will be a conservative superstar one day, and already is in a few ways.

    Also agree that Lousiana and New Orleans in particular need this guys leadership right now. But if i was convinced that the only way for McCain to become president over Obama was to put Jindal in as VP then i would be all for it. The only thing that worries me is if they got beat, it could really screw up his chances in the future. and lets face it, we need all the real conservatives we can get at this point

  3. Quincy


    Hay whats with you and Franchie?

    God you two aren’t getting married are you?

    You two fight like husband and wife :razz:

  4. sully

    I think she would like that but I continually need to rebuff her awkward advances. Her moral relativist stance on.. well, everything is very ‘offputting’.

  5. the gunslinger

    We need Bobby here in Louisiana! When he finishes cleaning up this state he can move up, otherwise we will waste a great leader because of our impatience. Let him complete his term limits first and then he will be ready. The same goes for Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.

  6. BILL

    Bobby is not stupid by any means! To even think that he would help a communistliberalfatcat like Mccain is even more stupid than supporting Obmamasamamama! It would ruin any political chances for him in the future. Once a looser always a looser and Mccain is a looser. The Republican Party has gone from new tone republican to pure and simple liberal. This party must be destroyed by liberal Mccain to be remade into a conservative party again.

  7. sully

    :arrow: WTF bill?
    Tell us what it’s gonna take to get you to give up that TRASH THE REPUBS piece of shit you’re driving around in now and put you in a I HATE OBAMA ride TODAY!!!

  8. OldflyerBob

    I doubt that McCain will pick Jindal–unless he gets really worried about beating Obama. For one reason; Jindal is too consevattive to suit him.

    I like everything I have ever read about Jindal. From my perspective the only question is when is the best time for him to make the move. I am not sure if a stint as VP would help him for the future. But, I really don’t know much about this stuff.

  9. Boo Boo

    :arrow: Bill: you have to remember, if for only ONE reason, you have to vote for McCain as opposed to anyone else–the Supreme Court controls many areas of daily living. The liberal court of 1965-80 made some awful decisions that we are only in part recovering from today. IF you let Obama become president, you are assuring an UNdoing of any and all conservative influence in the nation for the next 10-40 years. Are you ready for that? At least with McCain, you MIGHT get a conservative appointment to the court.

  10. KBoomr113

    :arrow: Bill

    The guy slinging rocks (you) at a guy that won the Republican nomination when everyone said he couldn’t do it (McCain) just might be the real loser. Nomination process is over, we’re all on the same team now. Maybe next time your guy will win the nomination, but in the mean time either join Team America and plan to kick Hussein’s ass or go read dailykos where they bash McCain…which apparently you can’t get enough of.

  11. Irish Gal


  12. rubehole

    Please don’t take Bobby away from us. We really need him here. One problem is is that he has started to be labeled a seat jumper. Granted all moves have been up, but if McCain loses, he may have trouble getting back in. On the other hand McCain needs his true conservative creds to bring the conservatives fully back on board.

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