Keep or Dump? New Series: “Jihad Watch”

May 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Not necessarily new, but new to us here. As with the recent NewsBusted we started to run regularly as they come out, do you want us to keep running this series?

Let us know, thumbs up or thumbs down?

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34 Responses

  1. Birdddog

    Keep! Robert Spencer is great! :beer:

  2. SOC

    Zig Heil Tareed! Muslims are living proof that the Big Lie works. If you goat fuckers think we are just going to roll over, think again sandy feet. See you in the street MF

  3. mike3481

    Keep. :gun: :beer:

    I’m 1:22 into the video and I’m going to watch all of it.

  4. 007

    Two Thumbs UP!

    Been watching him at Hot Air.

  5. Jeff

    Thumbs up.

  6. Paula, KY

    Keep, yeah I too watch him at Hot Air, every sunday he has blogging the Koran. :beer: :beer:

  7. avideditor

    I think you should keep Spencer as a regular series.

  8. John Goodrow

    Anything from Robert Spencer is good.

    Keep it coming.

  9. monkeysdad (Sur Tejas Gringo)

    Keep it

  10. Brad (Future Priest)

    You have to ask? Keep it.

  11. mark tanberg


  12. Lee__

    Please keep….Rober Spencer is very good

  13. Lee__

    Please keep….Robert Spencer is very good

  14. Mike W

    Please Keep. A voice of reason in the gathering storm. If the dumbs get fairness doctrine and hate speech laws he will be one of the first to go.

  15. Steve in NC

    keep it, I have been watching this for a while, it is best for both sites, giving them a new audience also

  16. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I look forward to his Koran “study guide” on Hot Air every week. Its nice to be able to quote the damned book to people when they start up with that “religion of peace” crap. You can’t be a “good Muslim” and be a “good person”. We must force them to redefine what being a “good Muslim” means or they will all have to die and we aren’t ready for that step in this country yet.

  17. Getsome

    thumbs up :beer:

  18. Tommyknocker

    Yeah, Please keep posting …the more this is spread around and disseminated, the better…Thanks

  19. RVN68MIKE

    Thoughtful and concise, keep it.

  20. Sandy

    Jihad Watch rocks! It is a keeper!

  21. Dan (The Infidel)

    I been watching Spencer’s vids for a year or more now. There are few western Islamic scholars like him. He’s a rock star. Keep it. Two thumbs up and two beers.
    :beer: :beer:

  22. Nemesis

    Keep!We need every inch of sanity and truth we can get.

  23. Kampfgruppe Cottrell


  24. CJbama

    two thumbs up with a snap and a twist , or keep it

  25. Jarhead68

    Spencer should be on every channel for 15 minutes a day doing his schtick. There’s common sense in everyone of his clips. All liberals should be forced to listen to every one of his posts until they understand. :cool:

  26. ArleighB

    I visit on a daily basis. Robert’s and Hugh Fitzgerald’s written articles are always factual and to the point. No hysteria or fanaticism is found on his site. Robert will debate anyone at any time about Islam but has had few takers, he calmly shreds the opposition’s arguments.

  27. POD1

    Keep it.

    Jarhead68 says:
    “All liberals should be forced to listen to every one of his posts until they understand.”

    :arrow: Jarhead68.
    That would be a waste of time,
    liberals are physically incapable of truly understanding.

  28. Docwho

    I have been a daily visitor to almost from its inception so I give here a massive thumbs up.

  29. EDinTampa

    KEEP IT!


  30. Vanessa

    Keep it please.

  31. Kermit

    I’ll join the chorus emphatically THUMBS UP!

    I am not a regular there they are much more careful about what is said there than here. I turned my wife onto that site a few years ago and she is on it several hours a day.

  32. Indy

    Keep it. The more their barbaric religion is exposed the better.

  33. Phil N Blanx

    A keeper…

  34. Holland

    :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: Keep!

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