Kennedy Still Hospitalized Undergoing More Tests

May 19th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


BOSTON - Sen. Edward Kennedy is undergoing further evaluation at a Boston hospital, two days after the 76-year-old Democrat suffered a seizure.

Kennedy’s spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter says it is unclear when doctors will release information on Kennedy’s condition or on the cause of his seizure Saturday.

Cutter said Monday the senator had a restful night at Massachusetts General Hospital. He spent Sunday watching sports and movies and visiting with family.

President Bush had been notified of Kennedy’s health just before he went to a Saturday night dinner meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Cutter says Bush called Kennedy’s wife, Vicki, on Monday to check on the senator’s progress and asked her to take care of his friend.


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5 Responses

  1. sully

    “…the senator had a restful night at Massachusetts General Hospital.”

    Mary Jo Kopechne —-> still dead

  2. Caligula


    maybe it’s Mary Jo’s ghost out to get her revenge after all these years :gun:

  3. Rob

    “Bush called Kennedy’s wife, Vicki, on Monday to check on the senator’s progress and asked her to take care of his friend.” :lol:

    Hopefully he dies. God knows he deserves it. That or leprosy.

  4. Marc

    This just in…

    They are running tests to see if Kennedy has a soul and a conscience. I am betting that he doesn’t but the doctors are running them anyway just to make sure they aren’t sued for malpractice.

    Sully, Caligula, I was thinking exactly what you were when they were fawning over this American “icon”, not one, not one, mention of Mary Jo Kopechne, and how Teddy let her drown, how he went home slept off the drunk, and then,

    “Oh hey, Daddy, I believe I may have left a young girl stranded under a bridge under 10 feet of water, and I was wondering what were your thoughts on this precarious situation?”

    What a dishonorably cretin and Massachusetts bitches about how their state is run but when you elect turds like Teddy and Kerry on a consistent basis, of course they are going to run your state into the ground, after all they have always had access to money, and never worked a meaningful day in their lives.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Mary Jo’s killer should suffer the same fate. So the Cape Cod Orca had a seizure. Now who didn’t know that there HAS ALWAYS been something wrong with him. And now we ALL know.

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