Kid’s Book Promotes Pot

May 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

,strong>These people are idiots. Why do I feel like I’m in a time warp and it is 1968 all over again?

My parents, dropped out and became hippies when I was 5. They started smoking dope with me and my sister when I was 8. I became a full blown pot grower/smoker by age 13 and then started drinking at 14 and by the time I was 24 I had ruined my life, and the lives of my ex-wife and three young sons.

Been clean and sober for 17 years now, but the damage done in that dozen year run, I am sure, was spurred on by early pot use. When I ask me dear old muddah who lives in Florida and has to have an oxygen tank everywhere she goes because she smoked pot and cigs for 40 years, she says, “We thought we were enlightening our children.”

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3 Responses

  1. rightangle

    I never cultivated the habit, and passed on any opportunities since my junior year in high school- I had some talent at track and field and valued pink lungs. Also, when I was nine, I watched my dad go through chemo and a partial lung removal the year after “Brian’s Song” was televised. Since then, I have touble understanding those that have a need to habitually use pot. It can be very prevalent on construction sites and I don’t allow it or work with those I suspect have sparked up before or during work.

  2. John Cunningham

    There’s something wrong with people that can’t deal with a sober mind. They will tell you that drugs will expand your mind, they’re lying.

  3. BT

    :arrow: John Cunningham
    You are right, these morons exclaim the expanded mind and how pot and hallucinegens will open your mind to the universe or whatever.

    Please. I drink to close off from assholes like those in the vid. It allows me time to take a sip and savor the silver don julio and ask, “what the fuck does that mean?”
    :sad: :beer: :smile: :beer: :lol: :beer: :cool:

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